- half-digested
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
half-digested — half digest′ed adj … From formal English to slang
half-digested — adj … Useful english dictionary
half baked — Synonyms and related words: a bit previous, adolescent, advanced, amateur, amateurish, arrested, at half cock, babbling, backward, blithering, burbling, callow, crackbrained, cracked, crazy, cretinistic, cretinous, dabbling, dilettante,… … Moby Thesaurus
half cocked — Synonyms and related words: a bit previous, adolescent, advanced, amateur, amateurish, at half cock, callow, dabbling, dilettante, dilettantish, far ahead, fledgling, forward, green, half assed, half baked, half grown, hasty, ill considered, ill… … Moby Thesaurus
Discworld gods — See also: Discworld (world)#Magic Some of the Discworld gods at Dunmanifestin. L R: Sessifet (off left),Offler, Flatulus (behind Offler), Fate, Urika, Blind Io, Libertina, The Lady, Bibulous, Patina (behind Bibulous), Topaxi (in front of… … Wikipedia
charadriiform — ▪ bird order Introduction any member of the large group of birds (bird) that includes the sandpipers (sandpiper), plovers (plover), gulls (gull), auks (auk), and their relatives. These birds form an important and familiar segment of the… … Universalium
Endosymbiont — An endosymbiont is any organism that lives within the body or cells of another organism, i.e. forming an endosymbiosis (Greek: ἔνδον endon within , σύν syn together and βίωσις biosis living ). Examples are nitrogen fixing bacteria (called… … Wikipedia
Coeliac passion — In pre modern medicine, coeliac passion, celiac passion, or coeliaca passio was a kind of flux of the belly, wherein the food does not pass perfectly crude, but half digested. This is more or less the same as lientery. In the coeliac, the food is … Wikipedia
List of The Future Is Wild species — This is a list of possible species postulated in the 2003 Animal Planet/ORF and ZDF series The Future Is Wild . The series examined twelve ecosystems at three distant future times.Five million yearsAfter the warm time period of humanity s reign a … Wikipedia
List of minor Star Wars bounty hunters — This article is about minor characters in the fictional Star Wars universe who are bounty hunters.Mol ArcasiteMol Arcasite is a bounty hunter in the Star Wars novel, The Trail of the Jedi , part of a Star Wars book series. Mol Arcarsite is… … Wikipedia