- haggadist
/heuh gah"dist/, n.1. one of the writers of the Aggadah.2. a person who is versed in the Aggadah.[1855-60; HAGGAD(AH) + -IST]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
haggadist — [hə gä′dist] n. a haggadic writer or scholar haggadistic [hag΄ə dis′tik] adj … English World dictionary
haggadist — noun Usage: often capitalized Date: 1882 1. a haggadic writer 2. a student of the Haggadah • haggadistic adjective, often capitalized … New Collegiate Dictionary
haggadist — hag·ga·dist … English syllables
haggadist — /həˈgadəst/ (say huh gahduhst) noun 1. a writer of Haggadoth. 2. a student of the Haggadah. –haggadistic /hægəˈdɪstɪk/ (say haguh distik), adjective …
haggadist — … Useful english dictionary
Moses ha-Darshan — Rabbinical Eras Chazal Zugot Tannaim Amoraim Savoraim Geonim Rishonim Acharonim Moshe haDarshan (11th century) (Hebrew: משה הדרשן) was chief of the yeshiva of Narbonne, and perhaps the founder of Jewish exegetical studies in France. Along with… … Wikipedia
Hanina bar Hama — (died ca. 250) (Hebrew: חנינא בר חמא) was a Jewish Talmudist, halakist and haggadist frequently quoted in the Babylonian and the Jerusalem Talmud, and in the Midrashim. He is generally cited by his prænomen alone (R. Ḥanina), but sometimes with… … Wikipedia
Samuel ben Nahman — (Hebrew: שמואל בן נחמן) or Samuel Nahmani was a rabbi of the Jewish Talmud, known as an amora, who lived in the Land of Israel from the beginning of the 3rd century until the beginning of the 4th century. He was a pupil of R. Jonathan ben Eleazar … Wikipedia
Levi II — Levi was a Jewish Palestinian scholar of the 3rd century (third amoraic generation), contemporary of Ze era I and Abba b. Kahana (Yer. Ma as. iii. 51a). In a few instances he is quoted as Levi b. Laḥma (Ḥama; comp. Yer. R. H. iv. 59a with R. H.… … Wikipedia
haggadistic — adjective see haggadist * * * Haggadistˈic ● Haggadah … Useful english dictionary