- haddock
/had"euhk/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) haddock, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) haddocks.1. a North Atlantic food fish, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, of the cod family.2. the rosefish, Sebastes marinus.[1275-1325; ME haddok; see -OCK]
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Valuable North American food fish (Melanogrammus aeglefinus, family Gadidae).A bottom-dweller that feeds on invertebrates and fishes, it resembles the cod, with its chin barbel (fleshy feeler) and two anal and three dorsal fins, but is distinguished by a dark (rather than light) lateral line and a distinctive dark spot on each shoulder. It is gray or brownish above, paler below. It grows to about 3 ft (90 cm) long and 25 lbs (11 kg).Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)Painting by Jean Helmer* * *
▪ fish(Melanogrammus aeglefinus), valuable North Atlantic food fish of the cod family, Gadidae, that is often smoked and sold as “finnan haddie.” The haddock is a bottom dweller and a carnivore, feeding on invertebrates and some fishes. It resembles the cod and, like its relative, has a chin barbel and two anal and three dorsal fins. It is identified, however, by a dark, rather than light, lateral line and a distinctive dark spot on each shoulder. Colour is otherwise gray or brownish above, paler below. Size is to about 90 centimetres (3 feet) and 11 kilograms (24 1/2 pounds).* * *
Universalium. 2010.