
/hah bee"meuh, hah'bee mah"/, n.
a Hebrew-language theater company, founded in Moscow in 1917: now the national theater of Israel. Also called Habima Theatre.

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or Habimah

Hebrew theatre company.

Organized in Poland in 1912, it was reestablished in 1917 in Moscow, where it was encouraged by Konstantin Stanislavsky. Habima's production of The Dybbuk (1922) established it as a company of high artistic merit, and it became affiliated with the Moscow Art Theatre. After producing The Golem (1925), the group toured Europe and the U.S. In 1931 most of the group moved to Tel Aviv, where they presented Yiddish and biblical dramas and a repertory of Israeli, classical, and contemporary foreign plays. In 1958 it became the National Theatre of Israel.
(as used in expressions)
arena stage

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Hebrew theatrical company
also spelled  Habimah 

      (Hebrew:Stage”), Hebrew theatre company originally organized as Habima ha-ʿIvrit (Hebrew:the Hebrew Stage”) in Białystok, in Russian Poland, in 1912 by Nahum Zemach. The troupe traveled in 1913 to Vienna, where it staged Osip Dymov's Hear O Israel before the 11th Zionist Congress. In 1917, after World War I caused the ensemble to dissolve, Zemach established the group in Moscow, calling it Habima.

      Encouraged by Konstantin Stanislavsky, the director of the Moscow Art Theatre, and inspired by a fervent desire to overcome the tawdry and superficial Yiddish operettas and melodramas then in vogue, Habima opened in 1918 with a program of four one-act folk plays. The production was staged by Yevgeny Vakhtangov (Vakhtangov, Yevgeny Bagrationovich), a student of Stanislavsky, who remained Habima's chief director until his death in 1922. Vakhtangov's outstanding production in 1922 of S. Ansky's The Dybbuk, a haunting play of Jewish mysticism, demoniac possession, and eternal love, an immediate success and established Habima as a theatre of the highest artistic excellence. It became one of four studios of the Moscow Art Theatre. In 1925, under the direction of B. Vershilov and V.L. Mchedelov, Habima staged The Golem, by H. Leivick, a play steeped in Jewish superstition, folklore, and mysticism.

      In 1926, after touring Europe, Habima went to the United States. After a division in its membership, the major part of the group left for Palestine without Zemach and in 1931 permanently established itself in Tel Aviv. Since settling in Israel, Habima has continued its policy of presenting Yiddish and biblical dramas in addition to an ever-increasing repertory, which includes Israeli, classical, and contemporary foreign plays. In 1958 Habima was designated the National Theatre of Israel and awarded an annual state subsidy.

Additional Reading
Emanuel Levy, The Habima, Israel's National Theatre, 19171977: A Study of Cultural Nationalism (1979).

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