- gym
/jim/, n.1. a gymnasium.[1870-75; by shortening]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
gym — gym … Dictionnaire des rimes
gym — gym; gym·el; gym·khana; gym·na·de·nia; gym·na·de·ni·op·sis; gym·nan·thes; gym·nan·thous; gym·nar·chus; gym·na·sial; gym·na·si·arch; gym·na·si·ast; gym·na·si·um; gym·nast; gym·nic; gym·nics; gym·no·blast; gym·no·blas·tea; gym·no·blas·tic;… … English syllables
GYM — is a sound format for the Sega Mega Drive/Sega Genesis.The name stands for Genesis YM2612, since the file contains the data sent to the Yamaha YM2612 sound chip in the console. The data is logged to a file through the use of emulators running a… … Wikipedia
GYM — steht für: Gold’s Gym Fitnessstudiokette GYM Medium (Abkürzung für Glukose, Yeast und Malz) Nährmedium Gym Class Heroes Band Tele GYM Fernsehsendung GY M steht für: Chrysler GY M ein PKW Modell Gym wird umgangssprachlich auch anstatt von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
gym — [dʒım] n [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: gymnasium] 1.) a special building or room that has equipment for doing physical exercise = ↑gymnasium at/in a gym ▪ I try and work out at the local gym once a week. ▪ I go to the gym as often as I can. 2.) [U]… … Dictionary of contemporary English
gym — [ dʒım ] noun * 1. ) count a large hall or room with special equipment for doing physical exercises: a dance class in the school gym a ) count a building or club where you go to do physical exercises, swim, and play sports: I try to go to the gym … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
gym|ka|na — gym|kha|na or gym|ka|na «jihm KAH nuh», noun. 1. a sports contest, meet, or gathering. 2. a building or grounds for athletic contests. ╂[alteration (influenced by gymnastic) of Hindustani gend khāna racket court, ball house; khāna < Persian] … Useful english dictionary
Gym|na|si|um — «jihm NAY zee uhm», noun, plural si|ums or si|a. 1. a room or building fitted up for physical exercise or training and for indoor athletic sports. 2. a school for gymnastics. 3. a place where athletic exercises were practiced in ancient Greece. ╂ … Useful english dictionary
gym|na|si|um — «jihm NAY zee uhm», noun, plural si|ums or si|a. 1. a room or building fitted up for physical exercise or training and for indoor athletic sports. 2. a school for gymnastics. 3. a place where athletic exercises were practiced in ancient Greece. ╂ … Useful english dictionary
gym — short for GYMNASIUM (Cf. gymnasium), attested from 1871, U.S. student slang … Etymology dictionary
gym — ► NOUN informal 1) a gymnasium. 2) gymnastics … English terms dictionary