
/goon"nahr, goon"euhr/, n.
1. Scand. Legend. the husband of Brynhild: corresponds to Gunther in the Nibelungenlied.
2. a male given name.
[ < ON Gunnarr, equiv. to gunn battle + herr master; cf. Gundaharius, Latinized form of a Burgundian personal name]

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  • Gunnar —    In the Volsung Cycle the brother of Gudrun, who marries Brynhild, with the assistance of Sigurd (Siegfried), who crosses the ring of fire to win her. Later, after the murder of Sigurd, Gunnar himself is murdered.    In the Thidrek Saga Gunnar… …   Who’s Who in non-classical mythology

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  • Gunnar Geisse — (born July 11, 1964, Giessen, Germany) is a musician, improviser, composer, and interpreter. He moves along the cutting edge between experimental/improvised music and new music. He has developed a complex instrumental concept combining guitar and …   Wikipedia

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