- gullible
/gul"euh beuhl/, adj.easily deceived or cheated.Also, gullable.[1815-25; GULL2 + -IBLE]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Gullible — Gul li*ble, a. Easily gulled; that may be duped. {Gul li*bii i*ty}, n. Burke. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gullible — index credulous, naive, unsuspecting Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
gullible — 1825, apparently a back formation from GULLIBILITY (Cf. gullibility). Gullable is attested from 1818 … Etymology dictionary
gullible — *credulous Analogous words: duped, befooled, hoaxed, hoodwinked (see DUPE): deluded, beguiled, deceived, misled (see DECEIVE): im pressionable, susceptible (see SENTIENT) Antonyms: astute … New Dictionary of Synonyms
gullible — meaning ‘easily fooled or cheated’, is spelt ible not able … Modern English usage
gullible — [adj] naive, trusting being a sucker*, believing, biting, credulous, easily taken in*, easy mark*, falling hook line and sinker*, foolish, green*, innocent, kidding oneself*, mark*, silly, simple, sucker, susceptible, swallowing whole*, taken in* … New thesaurus
gullible — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ easily persuaded to believe something; credulous. DERIVATIVES gullibility noun gullibly adverb. ORIGIN from GULL(Cf. ↑gull) … English terms dictionary
gullible — [gul′ə bəl] adj. [ GULL2, vt. + IBLE] easily cheated or tricked; credulous: also Rare gullable gullibility n. gullibly adv … English World dictionary
gullible — [[t]gʌ̱lɪb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe someone as gullible, you mean they are easily tricked because they are too trusting. What point is there in admitting that the stories fed to the gullible public were false?... I m so gullible I… … English dictionary
gullible — adjective he was a swindler who preyed on gullible elderly widows Syn: credulous, naive, overtrusting, overtrustful, easily deceived, easily taken in, exploitable, dupable, impressionable, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, unwary, ingenuous, innocent,… … Thesaurus of popular words
gullible — gul|li|ble [ gʌləbl ] adjective a gullible person is easy to trick because they trust and believe people too easily: gullible tourists ─ opposite CYNICAL … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English