
guidable, adj.guideless, adj.guider, n.guidingly, adv.
/guyd/, v., guided, guiding, n.
1. to assist (a person) to travel through, or reach a destination in, an unfamiliar area, as by accompanying or giving directions to the person: He guided us through the forest.
2. to accompany (a sightseer) to show points of interest and to explain their meaning or significance.
3. to force (a person, object, or animal) to move in a certain path.
4. to supply (a person) with advice or counsel, as in practical or spiritual affairs.
5. to supervise (someone's actions or affairs) in an advisory capacity.
6. a person who guides, esp. one hired to guide travelers, tourists, hunters, etc.
7. a mark, tab, or the like, to catch the eye and thus provide quick reference.
8. a guidebook.
9. a book, pamphlet, etc., giving information, instructions, or advice; handbook: an investment guide.
10. a guidepost.
11. a device that regulates or directs progressive motion or action: a sewing-machine guide.
12. a spirit believed to direct the utterances of a medium.
13. Mil. a member of a group marching in formation who sets the pattern of movement or alignment for the rest.
[1325-75; ME giden (v.), gide (n.) < OF gui(d)er (v.), gui(d)e (n.) < Gmc; akin to WIT2]
Syn. 1. pilot, steer, escort. GUIDE, CONDUCT, DIRECT, LEAD imply showing the way or pointing out or determining the course to be taken. GUIDE implies continuous presence or agency in showing or indicating a course: to guide a traveler. To CONDUCT is to precede or escort to a place, sometimes with a degree of ceremony: to conduct a guest to his room.
TO DIRECT is to give information for guidance, or instructions or orders for a course of procedure: to direct someone to the station. TO LEAD is to bring onward in a course, guiding by contact or by going in advance; hence, fig., to influence or induce to some course of conduct: to lead a procession; to lead astray. 5. regulate, manage, govern, rule. 6. pilot, director, conductor. 7. sign, signal, indication, key, clue.
Ant. 1. follow.

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