
/gwahr'euh nee"/, n., pl. Guaranis, Guaranies, (esp. collectively) Guarani.
1. a member of an Indian people now living principally in Paraguay.
2. a language belonging to the Tupi-Guarani family of languages and spoken by the Guarani Indians: the chief vernacular of Paraguay.
Also, Guaraní.

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South American Indian group that has traditionally inhabited eastern Paraguay and adjacent areas of Brazil and Argentina.

Aboriginal Guaraní were formerly warlike and took captives to be sacrificed (and allegedly eaten). Their shifting cultivation required them to move their settlements every few years. The descendants of Guaraní women and Spanish ranchers are modern Paraguay's rural population. Only a few scattered communities of true Guaraní remain, but Paraguay still claims a strong Guaraní heritage, and most of the million peasants living along the Paraguay River near Asunción speak a version of the aboriginal Guaraní language.

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      South American Indian group living mainly in Paraguay and speaking a Tupian language also called Guaraní. Smaller groups live in Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil. Modern Paraguay still claims a strong Guaraní heritage, and more Paraguayans speak and understand Guaraní than Spanish. Most of the people who live along the Paraguay River around Asunción speak Guaraní, which, with Spanish, is an official language of Paraguay. At the turn of the 21st century, the Guaraní in South America numbered nearly five million.

      The aboriginal Guaraní inhabited eastern Paraguay and adjacent areas in Brazil and Argentina. They lived in a manner common to Indians of the tropical forestwomen maintained fields of corn (maize), cassava, and sweet potatoes while men hunted and fished. The practice of slash-and-burn agriculture required that they relocate their thatched-house settlements every five or six years. As many as 60 patrilineally related families inhabited each of the four to six large houses that composed a village. The Guaraní were warlike and took captives to be sacrificed and, it is alleged, to be eaten. In the 14th and 15th centuries some Tupian speakers migrated inland to the Río de la Plata, where they became the Guaraní of Paraguay. A few scattered communities ofpureGuaraní Indians (with little Spanish admixture) still survive marginally in the forests of northeastern Paraguay, but these were rapidly dwindling in the late 20th century. The best-known of them were the Apapocuva.

      Spanish contact with the Guaraní was initiated by the search for gold and silver. The Spaniards founded small ranches around Asunción, notorious for theirharemsof Guaraní women. Their ethnically mixed descendants became the rural population of modern Paraguay. In the 17th century the Jesuits established missions (reducciones) in eastern Paraguay among the Guaraní of the Paraná River. Eventually about 30 large and successful mission towns constituted the famousJesuit Utopia,” the Doctrinas de Guaranies. In 1767, however, the expulsion of the Jesuits was followed by the scattering of mission Indians, who were often taken into slavery, and the confiscation of Indian land.

      Paraguay's cultural nationalism emphasizes the continuity of Guaraní customs, language, and habits of mind. In reality, however, the Spanish colonial way of life early engulfed the Guaraní, and no truly indigenous customs have survived except the now much-altered language.

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