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Gruesome — (Salvage) est un film américain réalisé par Jeff Crook et Josh Crook, sorti en 2006. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Autour du film … Wikipédia en Français
gruesome — grue some, a. Ugly; frightful. Same as {grewsome}. [Scot.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gruesome — index lurid, sordid Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
gruesome — 1560s, from M.E. gruen feel horror, shudder (c.1300); not recorded in Old English or Norse, possibly from M.Du. gruwen or M.L.G. gruwen shudder with fear (Cf. Ger. grausam cruel ), or from a Scandinavian source (Cf. Dan. grusom cruel, grue to… … Etymology dictionary
gruesome — macabre, *ghastly, grisly, grim, lurid Analogous words: daunting, appalling, horrifying (see DISMAY vb): horrendous, horrific, *horrible: baleful, *sinister … New Dictionary of Synonyms
gruesome — [adj] horrible, awful abominable, appalling, daunting, fearful, frightful, ghastly, grim, grisly, grody*, gross*, hideous, horrendous, horrid, horrific, horrifying, loathsome, lurid, macabre, monstrous, morbid, offensive, repugnant, repulsive,… … New thesaurus
gruesome — ► ADJECTIVE 1) causing repulsion or horror; grisly. 2) informal extremely unpleasant. DERIVATIVES gruesomely adverb gruesomeness noun. ORIGIN from Scottish grue «to feel horror, shudder» … English terms dictionary
gruesome — [gro͞o′səm] adj. [< dial. grue, to shudder (< ME gruwen, akin to MHG < IE base * ĝhreu , to grind down > GRIT) + SOME1] causing horror or disgust; grisly gruesomely adv. gruesomeness n … English World dictionary
gruesome — grue|some [ˈgru:səm] adj [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: grue to shake (with fear) (14 19 centuries), from Middle Dutch gruwen] very unpleasant or shocking, and involving someone being killed or badly injured ▪ Police described it as a particularly… … Dictionary of contemporary English
gruesome — grue|some [ grusəm ] adjective involving or describing death or injury in a very unpleasant way: GRISLY: the gruesome details of how she was murdered The police faced the gruesome task of looking for the body parts. ╾ grue|some|ly adverb … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English