
/grooh"peuhr/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) grouper, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species), groupers.
any of various sea basses of the family Serranidae, esp. of the genera Epinephelus and Mycteroperca, of tropical and subtropical seas.
[1680-90; < Pg garupa, of uncert. orig.]
/grooh"peuhr/, n.
1. a member of a group, as of tourists.
2. Slang. a member of a group of usually young and single persons who rent and share a house or apartment, as at a summer resort.
[1930-35; GROUP + -ER1]

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Any of numerous species of fishes (family Serranidae) widely distributed in warm seas, especially members of the genera Epinephelus and Mycteroperca.

Groupers are characteristically large-mouthed, heavy-bodied fishes. Some species grow larger than 6 ft (about 2 m) long and heavier than 500 lb (225 kg). Groupers are usually dull green or brown; some species can change their colour pattern, and deepwater individuals may be much redder than nearshore ones. They are prime food fishes, though a few species carry a toxic substance in their flesh and can cause poisoning when consumed, and they provide sport for anglers and spearfishermen. See also jewfish; sea bass.

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      any of numerous species of fishes of the family Serranidae (order Perciformes), many belonging to the genera Epinephelus and Mycteroperca. Groupers, widely distributed in warm seas, are characteristically large-mouthed, rather heavy-bodied fishes that tend to remain in discrete areas. Some are very large fishes, attaining a length and weight of about 2 metres (6 feet) and 225 kilograms (500 pounds)—in some instances reportedly much more. Groupers are often dully coloured in greens or browns, but a number are brighter, more boldly patterned fishes. Some, such as the Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus), are noted for their ability to change from one to any of a number of other colour patterns. Also, in many species, such as the blackfin and yellowfin groupers (Mycteroperca bonaci and M. venenosa), individuals inhabiting deeper waters are much redder than those living near shore. Groupers are protogynous hermaphrodites; that is, they first function as females and later transform into males. Groupers are prime food fishes and may also provide sport for anglers and spearfishermen. A few, however, may carry a toxic substance in their flesh and can cause ciguatera, a form of poisoning, when consumed.

      One of the largest and best known of the groupers is the jewfish (q.v.). Other well-known species include the golden-striped grouper (Grammistes sexlineatus), an Indo-Pacific fish about 25 centimetres (10 inches) long, marked with rows of dashes when young but black or brown with lengthwise, yellow stripes as an adult; the Nassau grouper, an abundant Caribbean food fish about 90 centimetres long, varies in colour from white, with or without darker markings, to dark brown or gray brown; the red grouper (Epinephelus morio), another variable Caribbean food fish, usually reddish with pale blotches and about 90 centimetres long; and the rock hind (E. adscensionis), an Atlantic food species spotted with orange or red and about 60 centimetres long.

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  • grouper — [ grupe ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • 1680; de groupe 1 ♦ Arts Disposer en groupe (1o). ⇒ réunir. Grouper des figures, des personnages. 2 ♦ Cour. Mettre ensemble. ⇒ assembler, réunir. Grouper tous les adversaires du régime. ⇒ coaliser. Grouper… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • GROUPER — v. a. T. de Peinture et de Sculpture. Mettre en groupe. Ce peintre sait bien grouper les figures. Ce peintre a manqué l unité dans son tableau, parce qu il n a point groupé ses figures.   En Archit., Grouper des colonnes, Les disposer deux à deux …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

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  • GROUPER — v. tr. T. de Peinture et de Sculpture Mettre en groupe. Ce peintre sait bien grouper les figures. Il s’emploie aussi intransitivement dans ce sens : Ces figures groupent bien ensemble. En termes d’Architecture, Grouper des colonnes, Les disposer… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

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