- gross
adj.1. without deductions; total, as the amount of sales, salary, profit, etc., before taking deductions for expenses, taxes, or the like (opposed to net): gross earnings; gross sales.2. unqualified; complete; rank: a gross scoundrel.3. flagrant and extreme: gross injustice.4. indelicate, indecent, obscene, or vulgar: gross remarks.5. lacking in refinement, good manners, education, etc.; unrefined.6. large, big, or bulky.7. extremely or excessively fat.8. thick; dense; heavy: gross vegetation.9. of or concerning only the broadest or most general considerations, aspects, etc.10. Slang. extremely objectionable, offensive, or disgusting: He wore an outfit that was absolutely gross.n.11. a group of 12 dozen, or 144, things. Abbr.: gro.12. total income from sales, salary, etc., before any deductions (opposed to net).13. Obs. the main body, bulk, or mass.v.t.14. to have, make, or earn as a total before any deductions, as of taxes, expenses, etc.: The company grossed over three million dollars last year.15. gross out, Slang.a. to disgust or offend, esp. by crude language or behavior.b. to shock or horrify.Syn. 3. shameful, outrageous, heinous, grievous. See flagrant. 4. low, animal, sensual, broad. 6. massive, great.Ant. 4. decent. 6. delicate, small.
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(as used in expressions)Gross MichaelGross Samuel David* * *
Universalium. 2010.