
grooveless, adj.groovelike, adj.groover, n.
/groohv/, n., v., grooved, grooving.
1. a long, narrow cut or indentation in a surface, as the cut in a board to receive the tongue of another board (tongue-and-groove joint), a furrow, or a natural indentation on an organism.
2. the track or channel of a phonograph record for the needle or stylus.
3. a fixed routine: to get into a groove.
4. Print. the furrow at the bottom of a piece of type. See diag. under type.
5. Slang. an enjoyable time or experience.
6. in the groove, Slang.
a. in perfect functioning order.
b. in the popular fashion; up-to-date: If you want to be in the groove this summer, you'll need a bikini.
7. to cut a groove in; furrow.
8. Slang.
a. to appreciate and enjoy.
b. to please immensely.
9. Slang.
a. to take great pleasure; enjoy oneself: He was grooving on the music.
b. to get along or interact well.
10. to fix in a groove.
[1350-1400; ME grofe, groof mining shaft; c. MD groeve, D groef, G Grube pit, ditch; akin to GRAVE1]
Syn. 3. rut, habit, pattern.

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