- gripe
/gruyp/, v., griped, griping, n.v.i.1. Informal. to complain naggingly or constantly; grumble.2. to suffer pain in the bowels.3. Naut. (of a sailing vessel) to tend to come into the wind; to be ardent.v.t.4. to seize and hold firmly; grip; grasp; clutch.5. to produce pain in (the bowels) as if by constriction.6. to distress or oppress.7. to annoy or irritate: His tone of voice gripes me.8. to grasp or clutch, as a miser.9. Naut. to secure (a lifeboat) to a deck or against a pudding boom on davits.n.10. the act of gripping, grasping, or clutching.11. Informal. a nagging complaint.12. a firm hold; clutch.13. a grasp; hold; control.14. something that grips or clutches; a claw or grip.15. Naut.a. a lashing or chain by which a boat is secured to a deck or in position on davits.b. Also called gripe piece. a curved timber connecting the stem or cutwater of a wooden hull with the keel.c. the exterior angle or curve formed by this piece; forefoot.d. the forward end of the dished keel of a metal hull.16. a handle, hilt, etc.17. Usually, gripes. Pathol. an intermittent spasmodic pain in the bowels.[1350-1400; ME gripen, OE gripan; c. D grijpen, G griefen; see GRIP, GROPE]Syn. 1. whine, mutter, carp, rail, bellyache.
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Universalium. 2010.