gravimetric analysis

gravimetric analysis
analysis by weight. Cf. volumetric analysis.

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      a method of quantitative chemical analysis in which the constituent sought is converted into a substance (of known composition) that can be separated from the sample and weighed. The steps commonly followed in gravimetric analysis are (1) preparation of a solution containing a known weight of the sample, (2) separation of the desired constituent, (3) weighing the isolated constituent, and (4) computation of the amount of the particular constituent in the sample from the observed weight of the isolated substance.

      Of the many methods that may be employed for isolating the desired constituent from a solution of a sample, the most common is precipitationthat is, transformation into a substance not soluble in the solution. A reagent is added that forms an insoluble compound with the desired constituent but will not precipitate other constituents of the sample. The precipitate obtained is separated by filtration, washed free of soluble impurities, dried or ignited to remove water, and weighed. Certain substances can be separated by virtue of their easy convertibility into gaseous compounds, as in the determination of carbonate in a mineral analysis. The sample is treated with an acid, and carbon dioxide is evolved as a gas. The gas is absorbed on a weighed quantity of a solid alkaline reagent, and the amount of carbon dioxide is determined from the gain in weight of the absorbent. Electrodeposition is used in order to separate certain metals that can be plated out by passing an electric current through a solution of their salts. Copper in alloys may be determined by this method as long as the sample is free from other metals that plate out under the same conditions. Errors made in gravimetric analyses usually relate to the purity of the isolated constituent. In general, the compounds that are precipitated are very insoluble, and negligible error results from the incompleteness of precipitation. Obtaining a precipitate that is 100 percent pure and is exactly of the composition represented by a chemical formula is, however, considerably more difficult. All gravimetric methods are subject to some degree of error because of this difficulty.

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Universalium. 2010.

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