
/grayvz'end"/, n.
a seaport in NW Kent, in SE England, on the Thames River: incorporated into Gravesham 1974. 52,963.

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      town, Gravesham district, administrative and historic county of Kent, England. It lies on the right bank of the River Thames, downstream from London.

      The discovery of the skull of Swanscombe (Swanscombe skull) man near Gravesend dates early settlement in the area to the Second Interglacial Period (about 200,000 years ago). Gravesend is mentioned in Domesday Book (1086) as Gravesham, possessing a hithe (port) on the river. The community's rights to ferry passengers to London were increased in the 14th century, and many famous persons passed through Gravesend en route to the capital. Pocahontas, the American Indianprincess,” died in Gravesend in 1617 and is buried in St. George's Church.

      Gravesend still retains several administrative functions associated with the ancient ferry rights. It is a centre for English customs, for the Port of London Health Authority, and for the Trinity House pilots who guide vessels into the Thames. The town grew considerably in the 19th century as a watering place, and the Royal Terrace Pier and public gardens were opened. Gravesend's present-day industrial significance is still closely tied to the Thames and involves paper mills, cement works, ship repairing, and engineering industries. Pop. (2001) 53,045.

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  • Gravesend — may refer to:In the UK *Gravesend, Kent *Gravesend, HertfordshireIn the rest of the world. *Gravesend, Brooklyn *Gravesend, New South WalesOther. *Gravesend (film) …   Wikipedia

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  • Gravesend — (Grohwsend), engl. Stadt an der Themse, 4 Ml. von London mit 16900 E., wichtigem Hafen, Seebädern; in der Umgegend starker Gemüsebau …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Gravesend —   [ greɪvz end], Industriestadt und Lotsenstation in der County Kent, England, am rechten Ufer der Themse, nahe ihrer Mündung, 51 400 Einwohner; Werften, Papier , Zement , Gummi , elektrotechnische Industrie.   Im Domesday Book (1086) als… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Gravesend — 51.4419444444440.37083333333334 Koordinaten: 51° 27′ N, 0° 22′ O …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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