
/greuh tooh"i teuhs, -tyooh"-/, adj.
1. given, done, bestowed, or obtained without charge or payment; free; voluntary.
2. being without apparent reason, cause, or justification: a gratuitous insult.
3. Law. given without receiving any return value.
[1650-60; < L gratuitus free, freely given, spontaneous, deriv. of gratus thankful, received with thanks (for formation cf. FORTUITOUS); see -OUS]
Syn. 2. unnecessary, superfluous, redundant; causeless, unreasonable, groundless, unprovoked, unjustified.

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  • gratuitous — gra·tu·i·tous /grə tü ə təs, tyü / adj: not involving a return benefit, compensation, or consideration compare onerous gra·tu·i·tous·ly adv Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Gratuitous — Gra*tu i*tousa. [L. gratuitus, from gratus pleasing. See {Grate}, a., {Gratis.}] 1. Given without an equivalent or recompense; conferred without valuable consideration; granted without pay, or without claim or merit; not required by justice.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gratuitous — gra‧tu‧i‧tous [grəˈtjuːtəs ǁ ˈtuː ] adjective LAW given or done without receiving anything in return: • Inheritance tax is concerned with gratuitous transactions …   Financial and business terms

  • gratuitous — [adj1] free chargeless, complimentary, costless, for nothing, gratis, spontaneous, unasked for, unpaid, voluntary, willing; concepts 334,542 Ant. costly, expensive gratuitous [adj2] not necessary assumed, baseless, bottomless, causeless,… …   New thesaurus

  • gratuitous — (adj.) 1650s, freely bestowed, from L. gratuitus done without pay, spontaneous, voluntary, from gratus pleasing, agreeable, from gratia favor (see GRACE (Cf. grace)). Sense of uncalled for, done without good reason is first recorded 1690s …   Etymology dictionary

  • gratuitous — *supererogatory, uncalled for, wanton Analogous words: *voluntary, willing: unrecompensed, unremunerated (see corresponding affirmative verbs at PAY): unprovoked, unexcited (see affirmative verbs at PROVOKE): unjustified, unwarranted (see… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • gratuitous — ► ADJECTIVE 1) uncalled for. 2) free of charge. DERIVATIVES gratuitously adverb gratuitousness noun. ORIGIN Latin gratuitus given freely, spontaneous …   English terms dictionary

  • gratuitous — [grə to͞o′i təs, grətyo͞o′i təs] adj. [L gratuitus < gratus: see GRACE] 1. a) given or received without charge or payment; free b) granted without obligation 2. without cause or justification; uncalled for gratuitously adv …   English World dictionary

  • gratuitous — [[t]grətju͟ːɪtəs, AM tu͟ː [/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe something as gratuitous, you mean that it is unnecessary, and often harmful or upsetting. There s too much crime and gratuitous violence on TV. ...his insistence on offering gratuitous… …   English dictionary

  • gratuitous — Given or granted without valuable or legal consideration. A term applied to deeds of conveyance and to bailments and other contracts. In old English law, voluntary; without force, fear, or favor. As to gratuitous bailment gratuitous contract… …   Black's law dictionary

  • gratuitous — Given or granted without valuable or legal consideration. A term applied to deeds of conveyance and to bailments and other contracts. In old English law, voluntary; without force, fear, or favor. As to gratuitous bailment gratuitous contract… …   Black's law dictionary

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