
/gras"land', grahs"-/, n.
1. an area, as a prairie, in which the natural vegetation consists largely of perennial grasses, characteristic of subhumid and semiarid climates.
2. land with grass growing on it, esp. farmland used for grazing or pasture.
[1675-85, Amer.; GRASS + LAND]

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      area in which the vegetation is dominated by a nearly continuous cover of grasses (grass). Grasslands occur in environments conducive to the growth of this plant cover but not to that of taller plants, particularly trees and shrubs. The factors preventing establishment of such taller, woody vegetation are varied.

 Grasslands are one of the most widespread of all the major vegetation types of the world (Figure 1—>). This is so, however, only because human manipulation of the land has significantly altered the natural vegetation, creating artificial grasslands of cereal crops, pastures, and other areas that require some form of repetitious, unnatural disturbance such as cultivation, heavy grazing, burning, or mowing to persist. This discussion, however, concentrates on natural and nearly natural grasslands.

      The most extensive natural grasslands can be thought of as intermediates in an environmental gradient, with forests at one end and deserts at the other. Forests occupy the most favourable environments, where moisture is adequate for growth and survival of a tall, dense vegetation dominated by trees. Deserts are found where moisture is so lacking that a continuous, permanent vegetation cover cannot be maintained. Grasslands lie between these two extremes.

      Like the savannas, deserts, and scrublands into which they commonly blend, grasslands arose during the period of cooling and drying of the global climate, which occurred during the Cenozoic Era (66.4 million years ago to the present). Indeed, the grass family itself (Poaceae or Gramineae) evolved only early in this era. The date of earliest appearance of grasslands varies from region to region. In several regions a succession of vegetation types can be recognized in the Cenozoic fossil record, as climate dried out progressively. For example, in central Australia during the past 50 million years tropical rainforest gave way successively to savanna, grassland, and, finally, desert. In some places expansion of grasslands to something approaching their modern extent occurred only during the extremely cold, dry intervalscalled ice ages in north temperate regionsof the past two million years.

      A dynamic balance commonly exists between grasslands and related vegetation types. Droughts, fires, or episodes of heavy grazing favour grassland at some times, and wet seasons and an absence of significant disturbances favour woody vegetation at others. Changes in the severity or frequency of these factors can cause a change from one vegetation type to another.

      Other grassland types occur in places too cold for trees to growi.e., beyond the forest limits of high mountains or at high latitudes. A characteristic type of grassland in cool, moist parts of the Southern Hemisphere is tussock grassland, dominated by tussock or bunch grasses that develop pedestals of matted stems, giving the vegetation a lumpy appearance. Tussock grasslands occur at various latitudes. In the tropics they are found above the forest limit on some high mountainse.g., in New Guinea and East Africa. At the higher latitudes of the Southern Ocean they form the main vegetation of subantarctic islands. They are also typical of the drier, colder parts of New Zealand and the southernmost regions of South America.

      Not all natural grasslands, however, arise from climate-related circumstances. Woody plants may be prevented from growing in certain areas for other reasons, allowing grasses to dominate. One cause is seasonal flooding (flood) or waterlogging, which is responsible for the creation and maintenance of large grasslands in parts of the highly seasonal subtropics and in smaller areas of other regions. One of the best examples of a seasonally flooded subtropical grassland is the Pantanal in the Mato Grosso region of Brazil. Across an area of 140,000 square kilometres (54,000 square miles), dry grasslands prevail for half of each year and shallow wetlands for the other, with small forest patches restricted to low rises that do not flood during the wet season. In many other areas where climate is suitable for forest growth, very shallow or infertile soils may prevent tree growth and result in development of grassland.

      The largest areas of natural grasslandthose resulting from climatic drynesscan be classified into two broad categories: tropical grasslands, which generally lie between the belts of tropical forest and desert; and temperate grasslands, which generally lie between deserts and temperate forests. Tropical grasslands occur in the same regions as savannas (savanna), and the distinction between these two vegetation types is rather arbitrary, depending on whether there are few or many trees. Likewise, temperate grasslands may have a scattering of shrubs or trees that blurs their boundaries when they occur adjacent to scrublands or temperate forests.

      Tropical grasslands are found mainly in the Sahel south of the Sahara, in East Africa, and in Australia. Temperate grasslands principally occur in North America, Argentina, and across a broad band from Ukraine to China, but in most of these regions they have been substantially altered by agricultural activities.

      Many grasslands formerly supposed to be natural are now recognized as having once been forests that grew in a marginally dry climate. Early human disturbance is responsible for their transformation. For example, almost the entire extensive lowland grasslands of the eastern part of the South Island, New Zealand, are believed to have been created by forest-burning carried out by the Polynesiansthe country's first colonistsduring the eight centuries before European settlement in the 18th century.

      Seminatural grasslands may occur where woody vegetation was once cleared for agricultural purposes that have since been abandoned; a return to the original vegetation is prevented by repeated burning or grazing. In wet tropical regions these types of grasslands may be very dense, such as those in East Africa that are dominated by elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) or in New Guinea by pit-pit grass (Miscanthus floridulus), both of which grow 3 metres (9.8 feet) tall.

      All areas of grassland may owe something of their area and character to a long history of interaction with humans, particularly through the medium of fire.

      Grassland climates (climate) are varied, but all large regions of natural grassland are generally hot, at least in summer, and dry, though not to the extent that deserts are. In general, tropical grasslands receive 500 to 1,500 millimetres (20 to 60 inches) of rain (precipitation) in an average year and in every season experience temperatures of about 15° to 35° C (59° to 95° F). The dry season may last as long as eight months. An excess of rainfall over evaporation, leading to ephemeral river flow, occurs only during the wet season. The tropical grassland climate overlaps very broadly with that of savanna. As previously stated, these vegetation types differ little from each other, a savanna being merely a grassland with scattered trees. Small changes in management and usage can convert one to the other.

      Temperate grasslands are somewhat drier than tropical grasslands and also colder, at least for part of the year. Seasonal temperature variation may be slight in tropical grasslands but may vary by as much as 40° C (72° F) in temperate grassland areas. Mean annual rainfall in the North American grassland areas is 300 to 600 millimetres. Mean temperatures in January range from −18° C (0° F) in the north to 10° C (50° F) in the south, with corresponding values in July being 18° C (64° F) and 28° C (82° F). Mean annual temperature in the most northerly areas of the North American grassland zone is below 0° C (32° F).

      Occurring as they do across a wide range of climatic and geologic conditions, grasslands are associated with many different types of soil. The grassland ecosystem itself influences soil formation, and this causes grassland soils to differ from other soils. The nature of grass litter and its pattern of decomposition commonly result in the development of a dark, organically rich upper soil layer that can reach 300 millimetres below the surface. This layer is absent from desert soils and is different from the surface layer of rotting leaf litter typical of forest soils. It is friable in structure and rich in plant nutrients. Lower soil layers are typically pale and yellowish, especially at depths close to two metres.

      In pre-European North America, grasslands spread across a large portion of the continent, from the Rocky Mountains in the west to the deciduous forests in the east. Of this vast expanse, only tiny fragments remain in any condition remotely similar to their original state. The largest central area consisted of mixed prairie, dominated by several species of the grasses Stipa (needlegrass), Agropyron (wheatgrass), Bouteloua (grama grass), and Koeleria. Mixed prairie gave way in the north to a fescue prairie with Festuca and Helictotrichon; in the west, to a short-grass steppe dominated by Bouteloua gracilis and Buchloe dactyloides (buffalo grass); and to the east, to a tall-grass prairie with the bluestem grasses Andropogon gerardii and A. scoparium. Trees and shrubs were generally absent, but a large variety of herbaceous plants occurred with the grasses.

      The large grazing mammals of the North American prairies included the bison and pronghorn antelope, whose typical predator was the gray wolf. The badger and several rabbit and hare species were widespread, as were many small burrowing rodents. Among the invertebrate fauna, grasshoppers were and still are particularly important. In grasslands the total biomass of invertebrates typically exceeds that of the much larger and more conspicuous vertebrates, except in regions containing large numbers of domestic stock.

      The principal region of grassland in South America is in the southeast portion of the continent; it can be divided into the Pampas (Pampas, the) of Argentina and the campos of the adjacent areas of Uruguay and Brazil. Among the many grasses in the Pampas, Stipa is the most diverse, while another suite of grasses in the campos includes among its more common members Paspalum and Andropogon. The vegetation of the region is now greatly altered by centuries of heavy grazing and burning. Before this, the principal large herbivore was the pampas deer, of which only one small herd survives. Opossums, armadillos, and rodents also were abundant and were preyed upon by various cats, such as jaguars and pumas, and foxes. The rhea, a large, flightless bird, is indigenous to this area.

      The Eurasian steppe (Steppe, the), occupying an extensive tract of the former Soviet Union and Mongolia, is in many ways very similar to the prairie of North America and hence harbours many similar plants and animals. Various species of Stipa dominate the flora in most areas, and they are mixed in spots with other grasses, of which Festuca and Agropyron assume dominance. Through their feeding and burrowing activities rodents are important to the maintenance and composition of the vegetation; species include the large marmots and a diversity of voles and other smaller types. A vole in Mongolia, Lasiopodomys brandtii, in some years can consume such a high proportion of the vegetation that it reduces its grassland habitat to virtual desert.

      The Sahelthe broad band of grassland crossing western and north-central Africa south of the Saharais the largest area of tropical grassland. For millennia human populations have put many demands on the region, so that its present condition is quite unlike its natural condition. The most common grasses include Aristida, Cenchrus (sandbur), and Schoenefeldia. Other species, which are highly palatable to grazing animals, are now restricted to rocky sites that offer some protection; these species may have once been far more widespread and important. In many places where shrubs and small trees occur the vegetation would be called more accurately a scrubland or savanna were it not so easily transformed into grassland by practices such as grazing, burning, and fuel gathering.

      The grasslands of East Africa (eastern Africa) include wetter environments than exist in the Sahel and hence are more diverse. Where forests have been destroyed, a tall grassland consisting of Pennisetum or Hyparrhenia develops and may be kept in this condition indefinitely through burning or through the browsing and grazing of such herbivores as elephants. Other grasses such as Aristida and Chrysopogon are important in drier sites, and Themeda occurs in cooler places at higher altitudes. Herbivorous mammals (herbivore) include wildebeests, several antelope species, andwhere they still surviverhinoceroses, buffalo, and elephants. Carnivores include various dogs (jackals), cats (cheetahs, lions), hyenas, and mongooses.

      Tropical grasslands in Australia in the extensive arid areas are generally dominated by species of the spinifex grasses, Plectrachne and Triodia, which form characteristic hummocks by trapping windblown sand at the bases of their tussocks. Heteropogon and sorghum dominate grasslands in moister, northern areas, and Astrebla (Mitchell grass) is prevalent in seasonally arid areas, especially on cracking clay soils in the east. Other grass species are usually subordinate but may dominate in spots. Woody plants, particularly acacia in arid areas and Eucalyptus in moister places, may be so numerous that the vegetation cannot be considered true grassland. The Mitchell grasslands were once much purer until they were altered by heavy grazing of domestic stock; today, vast tracts have been invaded by the African shrub Acacia nilotica, introduced by humans.

      The largest native animals in Australian grasslands are kangaroos (kangaroo), of which the biggest is the red kangaroo, characteristic of the dry inland areas where natural grasslands are found. Mammals introduced from other continents, however, have become as common; these include domesticated stock, especially cattle and sheep, and a range of feral fauna such as camels, horses, donkeys, and goats. European rabbits are also widespread, abundant, and highly destructive (see community ecology: The coevolutionary process: The coevolutionaryarms raceversus reduced antagonism (community ecology)). A main predator is the dingo, or wild dog. Reptiles, especially lizards, are very diverse; birds include the large flightless emu as well as a wide range of parrots and other flying forms.

      The tussock grasslands of New Zealand and the subantarctic islands are commonly dominated by species of Poa (bluegrass). Related vegetation also occurs on high mountains in equatorial regions. These grasses have in most cases evolved in the absence of grazing mammals; the introduction of exotic fauna such as deer and sheep has caused severe degradation of the vegetation in many places.

Population and community development and structure
 Whether tropical or temperate, natural grasslands occur in environments in which growing conditions are favourable for only a short season. In tropical regions this growing season is usually the rainy season or, in some cases, the season when the ground is not waterlogged or submerged. In temperate grasslands the growing season is usually the short period between the cold, damp winter and the hot, dry summer. Perennial grasses, relying on subterranean reserves of stored food for rapid shoot growth, are well adapted to exploiting such brief growing seasons, reaching their maximum size and completing their seeding within a few weeks. Their aboveground parts then die back, providing potential fuel for the grass fires (fire) that typify these environments. The underground perennating roots and rhizomes of the grasses, however, are relatively well protected from fire. A vegetation profile of a typical grassland is shown in Figure 2—>.

      Grasslands tend to produce larger amounts of new growth if subjected to some type of repeated disturbance, usually grazing or fire, that prevents the accumulation of a thick layer of dead litter. Where such a layer is allowed to develop, it retains nutrients in a form not immediately available to roots and acts as a physical barrier for new shoots growing from the soil surface toward the light; in temperate grasslands this layer acts as thermal insulation, slowing the spring warming of the soil. This has obvious implications for grazing management of these systems.

      Woody plants, which might be expected to shade the grasses and dominate the vegetation, are disadvantaged by the shortness of the growing season. Nevertheless, in the absence of heavy mammalian grazing and especially of regular fires, some trees and shrubs that grow vigorously may become established. Thus, the grasslands in such situations are maintained by these natural, or seminatural, disturbances of fire and grazing, which prevent the succession of the grassland vegetation toward tropical deciduous forest, savanna, scrubland, or temperate forest.

Biological productivity
      Because of its importance for grazing and other grassland agricultural production, grassland productivity has been extensively investigated using various methods. However, most studies have focused only on aboveground productivity, ignoring the important subterranean component, which can be much more substantialas much as 10 times greatereven when the aboveground portion is at a seasonal maximum. Typical aboveground biomass (dry weight of organic matter in an area) values for North American grasslands are 2.5 to 6 metric tons per hectare, of which about three-quarters is in the form of dead shoot material; however, values up to and greater than 20 metric tons per hectare have been recorded in some tropical grasslands. (For a full discussion of productivity see biosphere: The organism and the environment: Resources of the biosphere (biosphere).)

      There is a relatively rapid turnover of plant matter in grasslands. Most plant organs have a life span of only one or a few seasons, leading to annual rates of overall turnover of about 20 to 50 percent. When consumption of plant parts by consumers is taken into account, annual productivity values are similar to biomass values. Aboveground annual productivity in a typical Canadian grassland was found to be 6.4 metric tons per hectare when all leaching and decomposition losses from dead shoots were taken into consideration. Values found in other grasslands have varied greatly but often have been significantly lower than this, partly because such losses have not been fully taken into account. Repeated harvesting (surrogate grazing) commonly yields 1.5 to 2.5 metric tons per hectare per year.

      Grasslands frequently have been converted to cropland on which edible grains are grown; this allows food for humans to be taken directly from the grasslands themselves rather than via grazing animals feeding on the native grasses in a rangeland situation. The increase in yields is substantial. According to figures compiled for the northern Great Plains of North America, for example, one hectare of natural grassland grazed by cattle can provide the equivalent of one-tenth of one person's annual food energy requirements, whereas the same area sown to wheat can provide four persons' requirements.

      However, it should be pointed out that wheat yields cannot be sustained annually at their initially high levels without additional inputs of fertilizer. Similarly, sustained heavy grazing of natural grasslands can quickly lead to degradation of the vegetation and erosion of the soil. This is particularly likely to occur unnoticed in regions that lack fences and therefore do not exhibit fenceline contrasts in range condition. In these fenceless grazing regions degradation due to overgrazing may be difficult to distinguish from background changes due to long- or short-term weather variations.

Jeremy M.B. Smith

Additional Reading
The grassland ecology of North America is discussed in Lauren Bowen, Grasslands (1985).Jeremy M.B. Smith

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