- Grand Mufti
1. a Muslim religious leader.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Grand Mufti — This page is about the title and persons carrying the title. For the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (from 1921 1948), see Mohammad Amin al Husayni The title of Grand Mufti ( ar. مفتي عام) refers to the highest official of religious law in a… … Wikipedia
grand mufti — noun the chief mufti of a district • Hypernyms: ↑mufti * * * noun : mufti I * * * 1. a Muslim religious leader. 2. (formerly) the chief legal authority for Muslims in Jerusalem. * * * Grand Mufti noun … Useful english dictionary
Grand Mufti — /grænd ˈmʊfti/ (say grand mooftee), /ˈmʌfti/ (say muftee) noun a senior leader in a Muslim community with both civil and religious jurisdiction: the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia …
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem — Jerusalem History … Wikipedia
Grand Mufti (disambiguation) — This is a disambiguation page for the term Grand Mufti . * For a general discussion of the title of Grand Mufti and a list of current Mufti who hold the title see title of Grand Mufti * For the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (1921 1948), see… … Wikipedia
mufti — [ myfti ] n. m. • 1560; muphti 1559; mofti 1546; ar. moufti « juge » ♦ Théoricien et interprète du droit canonique musulman, qui remplit à la fois des fonctions religieuses, judiciaires et civiles. Des muftis. ● mufti ou muphti nom masculin… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Mufti Amimul Ehasan — Mufti Sayed Muhammd Amimul Ehasan Barkati (Ra) (Arabic: مفتى اعظم سيد محمد عميم الاحسان بركتى) better known as Mufti Amimul Ehasan was a renowned Islamic scholar. He is also recognized for his knowledge in fiqh, hadith, and tafsir. He has… … Wikipedia
Muftî — Mufti Religion religions abrahamiques : judaïsme · christianisme · islam C … Wikipédia en Français
Mûfti — Mufti Religion religions abrahamiques : judaïsme · christianisme · islam C … Wikipédia en Français
Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari — Full name Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al Kawthari Born England Era Modern era Region Islamic scholar School Hanafi Ma … Wikipedia