Grand Banks

Grand Banks
an extensive shoal SE of Newfoundland: fishing grounds. 350 mi. (565 km) long; 40,000 sq. mi. (104,000 sq. km).
Also, Grand Bank.

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Portion of North American continental shelf, in the Atlantic Ocean.

Lying southeast and south of Newfoundland, it is a noted international fishing ground and extends 350 mi (560 km) north-south and 420 mi (675 km) east-west. The cold Labrador Current and the warm Gulf Stream meet in its vicinity, causing heavy fogs. The banks were first reported in 1498 by John Cabot. In 1977 Canada extended its fishing claim to encompass most of the Grand Banks; it has since given limited fishing rights to other countries.

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      portion of the North American continental shelf in the Atlantic Ocean, lying southeast and south of Newfoundland, Can. Noted as an international fishing ground, the banks extend for 350 miles (560 km) north to south and for 420 miles (675 km) east to west. They consist of a number of separate banks, chief of which are Grand, Green, and St. Pierre; and they are sometimes considered to include the submarine plateaus that extend southwestward to Georges Bank, east-southeast of Cape Cod, Mass., U.S. Depths average 180 feet (55 m), but many places reach 600 feet (180 m). The cold Labrador Current and the relatively warm Gulf Stream meet in the vicinity of the Grand Banks. Air masses passing over these contrasting water bodies often produce heavy fogs. Occasional icebergs and severe storms also add to the hazards of the area. The mingling of the cold and warm water, on the other hand, produces favourable conditions for the growth of plankton, on which fish depend directly or indirectly for their food supply. The Grand Banks were first officially reported in 1498 by John Cabot, the Italian explorer leading an English-sponsored expedition.

      Among the most plentiful species of fish are cod, haddock, various flatfish, herring, and mackerel. The extensive use of the area by trawler fleets from many nations in the mid-20th century created several international incidents, led to overfishing, and necessitated regulating the size of net mesh used so that the small fish could escape, thus safeguarding against depletion. In 1977 Canada extended its seaward fishing claim to encompass all areas within 200 nautical miles (370 km) of its shores, including most of the Grand Banks. Agreements between Canada and other countries accustomed to fishing within Canada's newly extended coastal fisheries jurisdiction were concluded and limited the catch of foreign countries to certain more abundant species that were beyond Canada's capacity to harvest. Also in the later 1970s, the first of numerous deposits of petroleum and natural gas were discovered in the Grand Banks.

      The groundfish stocks of the Grand Banks and Labrador, particularly those of northern Atlantic cod, have been depleted primarily as a result of overfishing. In the early 1990s the "spawning stock biomass" of codi.e., the amount of fish (measured by weight) at reproductive agewas only 5 to 10 percent of the level of the early 1960s. Coincidentally, the water temperature on the Grand Banks was abnormally low during the late 1980s and early '90s, leading to the hypothesis that environmental conditionsand not overexploitationled to the depleted state of the groundfish. Both effects, in fact, may have complemented each other; heavy fishing pressure may have caused fish stocks to become more susceptible to environmental shifts. The collapse of the groundfish stocks led to severe socioeconomic effects for those in the region who depended heavily on fisheries for their livelihood. Other fisheries, including lobster and northern shrimp (species that arguably may not be as sensitive to overexploitation), have continued to flourish. However, the extraction of petroleum and natural gas has become the most important economic activity (in terms of value) on the Grand Banks.

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