
/grahm/, n.
(in the Volsunga Saga) the sword of Sigmund, broken by Odin, repaired by Regin, and used again by Sigurd in killing Fafnir. Cf. Balmung.
[ < ON Gramr lit., angry, evil]

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Unit of mass or weight used especially in the centimetre-gram-second (CGS) system of measurement.

One gram is equal to 0.001 kg, about 0.035 oz, or 15.43 grains. The gram is very nearly equal to the mass of 1 cc of pure water at its maximum density. The gram of force is equal to the weight of a gram of mass under standard gravity. For greater precision, the mass may be weighed at a point at which the acceleration due to gravity is 980.655 cm/sec2. See also gravitation; metric system.

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also spelled  gramme 

      unit of mass or weight that is used especially in the centimetre-gram-second system of measurement (see the International System of Units). One gram is equal to 0.001 kg. The gram is very nearly equal (it was originally intended to be equal; see metric system) to the mass of one cubic cm of pure water at 4 °C (39.2 °F), the temperature at which water reaches its maximum density under normal terrestrial pressures. The gram of force is equal to the weight of a gram of mass under standard gravity. For greater precision, the mass may be weighed at a point at which the acceleration due to gravity is 980.655 cm/sec2.

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Universalium. 2010.

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