- Graeco-Roman
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Graeco-Roman wrestling — ˌGraeco Roman ˈwrestling 7 [Graeco Roman wrestling] (NAmE usually ˌGreco Roman ˈwrestling) noun uncountable a form of ↑wrestling in which those taking part are not allowed to hold each other below the waist … Useful english dictionary
Graeco-Roman paganism — may refer to:* Ancient Roman religion * Ancient Greek religion … Wikipedia
Graeco-Roman Museum — The Graeco Roman Museum of Alexandria in Egypt was created in 1892. It was first built in an 5 room apartment, inside one small building in Rosetta Street (later Avenue Canope and nowadays Horriya). In 1895, it was transferred to another building … Wikipedia
Graeco-Roman — /ˌgrikoʊ ˈroʊmən/ (say .greekoh rohmuhn), /ˌgrɛ / (say .gre ) adjective relating to Greek and Roman influences, as found in Roman sculpture. Also, Greco Roman …
Graeco-Roman Period — (332 BC–642 AD) A term used by Egyptologists for the entire span of rule by the Greeks and later the Romans in Egypt. It is usually divided into the Ptolemaic Period, Roman Period, and Byzantine Period. Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt… … Ancient Egypt
Graeco-Roman deity — noun a deity of classical mythology • Syn: ↑Greco Roman deity • Hypernyms: ↑deity, ↑divinity, ↑god, ↑immortal • Hyponyms: ↑nymph, ↑Leto, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Graeco-Roman — adjective 1》 relating to the ancient Greeks and Romans. 2》 denoting a style of wrestling in which holds below the waist are prohibited … English new terms dictionary
Graeco-Roman — adj. 1 of or relating to the Greeks and Romans. 2 Wrestling denoting a style attacking only the upper part of the body … Useful english dictionary
Graeco-Roman wrestling — noun One of the two Olympic styles of wrestling, forbidding attacks below the waist … Wiktionary
Graeco-Roman wrestling — /ˌgrikoʊ roʊmən ˈrɛslɪŋ/ (say .greekoh rohmuhn resling) noun a form of wrestling, originating in ancient Greece, allowing attacks only using the arms and only to the upper body of the adversary …