- gospel side
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Gospel Side — The north side of the Altar (the left side as we face the Altar) at which the Holy Gospel is read. See Epistle Side … American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
gospel side — noun Usage: often capitalized G Etymology: from the custom of reading the Gospel from this side Date: 1891 the left side of an altar or chancel as one faces it … New Collegiate Dictionary
gospel side — noun Usage: often capitalized G : the left side of an altar or chancel as one faces it : north side used especially in churches in which the Epistle and the Gospel are read or sung from different sides … Useful english dictionary
Gospel side — noun (in a church) the north side of the altar, at which the Gospel is read … English new terms dictionary
gospel side — gos′pel side n. rel archit. the left side of a church, facing the altar • Etymology: 1890–95 … From formal English to slang
gospel side — /ˈgɒspəl saɪd/ (say gospuhl suyd) noun the left hand side of a church facing the altar. Compare epistle side …
gospel — n. 1 the teaching or revelation of Christ. 2 (Gospel) a the record of Christ s life and teaching in the first four books of the New Testament. b each of these books. c a portion from one of them read at a service. 3 a thing regarded as absolutely … Useful english dictionary
Gospel — n. 1 the teaching or revelation of Christ. 2 (Gospel) a the record of Christ s life and teaching in the first four books of the New Testament. b each of these books. c a portion from one of them read at a service. 3 a thing regarded as absolutely … Useful english dictionary
Gospel in the Liturgy — • From the very earliest times the public reading of parts of the Bible was an important element in the Liturgy inherited from the service of the Synagogue Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Gospel in the Liturgy G … Catholic encyclopedia
Gospel and Gospels — • The word Gospel usually designates a written record of Christ s words and deeds Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Gospel and Gospels Gospel and Gospels … Catholic encyclopedia