- goody two shoes
a goody-goody.[after the title character of The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes (1765), a nursery tale perh. written by Oliver Goldsmith]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
goody-two-shoes — [good΄ē to͞o′sho͞oz΄] adj., n. 〚after Goody Two Shoes, heroine of a Brit children s story (1766)〛 Informal GOODY GOODY: also goody two shoes or Goody Two shoes * * * … Universalium
goody-two-shoes — [good΄ē to͞o′sho͞oz΄] adj., n. [after Goody Two Shoes, heroine of a Brit children s story (1766)] Informal GOODY GOODY: also goody two shoes or Goody Two shoes … English World dictionary
goody-two-shoes — goody goody UK / US or goody two shoes UK / US noun [countable] Word forms goody goody : singular goody goody plural goody goodies informal informal, showing disapproval someone who always tries to please people in authority … English dictionary
goody two-shoes — A goody two shoes is a self righteous person who makes a great deal of their virtue … The small dictionary of idiomes
goody-two-shoes — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ˈ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective or noun Usage: often capitalized G&T&S Etymology: after Goody Two Shoes, heroine of a children s story perhaps by Oliver Goldsmith died 1774 British author : goody goody * * * goody two shoes variant UK US … Useful english dictionary
goody two-shoes — good′y two′ shoes or good′y two′ shoes n. pl. shoes, adj. (sometimes caps.) cvb goody goody • Etymology: after the title character of The History of Little Goody Two Shoes (1765), a nursery tale perh. written by Oliver Goldsmith … From formal English to slang
Goody Two-shoes — noun Usage: often capitalized S Etymology: from Goody Two Shoes, heroine of a children s story perhaps by Oliver Goldsmith Date: 1934 a person who is goody goody; also a person who is uncommonly good • goody two shoes adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
goody two shoes — pl. goody two shoes. (sometimes caps.) a goody goody. [after the title character of The History of Little Goody Two Shoes (1765), a nursery tale perh. written by Oliver Goldsmith] … Useful english dictionary
goody-two-shoes — /gʊdi ˈtu ʃuz/ (say goodee tooh shoohz) noun a child or other person well satisfied with being unusually good. {from a popular tale published in 1765, thought to have been written by Oliver Goldsmith, in which the heroine is an orphan girl who… …
goody two-shoes — n. someone who tries to behave better than anyone else. (Also a term of address.) □ Well, goody two shoes, so you decided to come sit with us. □ I’m no goody two shoes. I just like to keep my nose clean … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions