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deniably — (of a lie or secret action) in a manner hard to expose Usually of a statement made off the record or an act taken by a third party on behalf of another: ... the small country could inflict wounds itself, or even more safely, sponsor… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
deniably — denīˈably adverb • • • Main Entry: ↑deny … Useful english dictionary
Military doctrine — is the concise expression of how military forces contribute to campaigns, major operations, battles, and engagements. It is a guide to action, not hard and fast rules. Doctrine provides a common frame of reference across the military. It helps… … Wikipedia
deniable — adjective able to be denied. Derivatives deniability noun deniably adverb … English new terms dictionary
deniable — [dē nī′ə bəl, dinī′ə bəl] adj. that can be denied deniably adv … English World dictionary