
/nahrl/, n.
1. a knotty protuberance on a tree; knot.
2. to twist into a knotted or distorted form.
[1805-15; back formation from GNARLED]
Syn. 2. contort, distort.
/nahrl/, v.i.
to growl; snarl.
[1585-95; var. of GNAR]

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  • Gnarl — refers to:* Gnarl is a rock band based out of India. * the verb and noun gnarl, cf. * Gnarl (Alien Racers) * Gnarl is a character in the 2007 video game Overlord. * Gnarl! is a book by Rudy Rucker * Gnarl, in mathematics is the inverse function… …   Wikipedia

  • Gnarl — Gnarl, n. [See {Gnar}, n.] a knot in wood; a large or hard knot, or a protuberance with twisted grain, on a tree. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gnarl — Gnarl, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Gnarled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Gnarling}.] [From older gnar, prob. of imitative origin; cf. G. knarren, knurren. D. knorren, Sw. knorra, Dan. knurre.] To growl; to snarl. [1913 Webster] And wolves are gnarling who shall… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gnarl — (v.) contort, twist, 1814, a back formation from GNARLED (Cf. gnarled). As a noun from 1824. Earlier the verb was used in a sense of to snarl (1590s) …   Etymology dictionary

  • gnarl — gnarl1 [närl] n. [back form. < GNARLED] a knot on the trunk or branch of a tree vt. to make knotted or twisted; contort vi. to form gnarls gnarl2 [närl] vi. [freq. of echoic gnar] to snarl; growl …   English World dictionary

  • gnarl|y — «NAHR lee», adjective. 1. gnarled; twisted. 2. Figurative: » Soundgarden [a rock group] pummels its way through a gnarly quasi hardcore bit of savagery called “Birth Ritual” (Rolling Stone). 3. Informal. difficult or problematic: »a gnarly… …   Useful english dictionary

  • gnarl — I [[t]nɑrl[/t]] n. 1) bot a knotty protuberance on a tree; knot 2) to twist into a knotted or distorted form • Etymology: 1805–15 II gnarl [[t]nɑrl[/t]] v. i. to growl; snarl • Etymology: 1585–95; alter. of gnar …   From formal English to slang

  • gnarl — I. intransitive verb Etymology: probably frequentative of gnar Date: 1593 snarl, growl II. transitive verb Etymology: back formation from gnarled Date: 1814 to twist into a state of deformity III. noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • gnarl — 1. noun a) a knot in wood; a large or hard knot, or a protuberance with twisted grain, on a tree. b) something resembling a knot in wood, such as in stone or limbs. 2. verb a) to knot or twist …   Wiktionary

  • gnarl — Synonyms and related words: anamorphism, anamorphosis, asymmetry, bend, bilge, blain, bleb, blister, blob, boss, bow, bubble, buckle, bulb, bulge, bulla, bump, bunch, burl, button, cahot, chine, clump, coarsen, color, condyle, contort, contortion …   Moby Thesaurus

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