- gluteus medius
/mee"dee euhs/, pl. glutei medii /mee"dee uy'/.the muscle of the buttocks lying between the gluteus maximus and the gluteus minimus, involved in the abduction of the thigh.[ < NL: middle gluteus]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Gluteus medius — Musculus gluteus medius großer und mittiger Gesäßmuskel Ursprung Außenfläche (Facies glut(a)ea) des Darmbeines (Os ilium), Darmbeinkamm (Crista iliaca) und seine Faszie (Aponeurosis glut(a)ea) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gluteus medius muscle — Gluteus medius The gluteus medius and nearby muscles … Wikipedia
gluteus medius — gluteus me·di·us mē dē us n, pl glutei me·dii dē .ī the middle of the three muscles in each buttock that arises from the outer surface of the ilium, that is inserted into the greater trochanter of the femur, and that acts to abduct and medially… … Medical dictionary
gluteus medius gait — see Trendelenburg g. and uncompensated gluteus medius g … Medical dictionary
gluteus medius muscle — musculus gluteus medius … Medical dictionary
gluteus medius — noun the middle of the three gluteal muscles • Hypernyms: ↑gluteus, ↑gluteus muscle, ↑gluteal muscle, ↑glute * * * /mee dee euhs/, pl. glutei medii /mee dee uy /. the muscle of the buttocks lying between the gluteus maximus and the gluteus… … Useful english dictionary
M. gluteus medius — Musculus gluteus medius großer und mittiger Gesäßmuskel Ursprung Außenfläche (Facies glut(a)ea) des Darmbeines (Os ilium), Darmbeinkamm (Crista iliaca) und seine Faszie (Aponeurosis glut(a)ea) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Musculus gluteus medius — großer und mittiger Gesäßmuskel Ursprung Außenfläche (Facies glut(a)ea) des Darmbeines (Os ilium), Darmbeinkamm (Crista iliaca) und seine Faszie (Aponeurosis glut(a) … Deutsch Wikipedia
uncompensated gluteus medius gait — a gait that occurs with moderate weakness of the gluteus medius muscle; with each step of the affected leg, the pelvis on the opposite side dips, causing protrusion of the stationary affected hip. Cf. Trendelenburg g … Medical dictionary
musculus gluteus medius — [TA] gluteus medius muscle: origin, lateral surface of ilium between anterior and posterior gluteal lines; insertion, greater trochanter of femur; innervation, superior gluteal; action, abducts and rotates thigh medially … Medical dictionary