- glucosin
/glooh"koh sin/, n. Biochem.any of a class of compounds, some of which are highly toxic, derived from reactions of glucose with ammonia.[GLUCOSE + -IN2]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
glucosin — /ˈglukoʊsɪn/ (say gloohkohsin) noun any of a class of compounds, some of which are highly toxic, derived from reactions of glucose with ammonia. {glucos(e) + in2} …
glucosin — /glooh koh sin/, n. Biochem. any of a class of compounds, some of which are highly toxic, derived from reactions of glucose with ammonia. [GLUCOSE + IN2] … Useful english dictionary
canola — /kan l euh/, n. a variety of rapeseed that contains reduced levels of erucic acid, making its oil palatable for human consumption, and reduced levels of a toxic glucosin, making its meal desirable as a livestock feed. [of unexplained orig.] * * * … Universalium
canola — /kəˈnoʊlə/ (say kuh nohluh) noun a variety of rapeseed from which is produced an oil extract for human consumption which is low in erucic acid, and a meal for livestock feed which has reduced levels of a toxic glucosin. {from Can(ada) o(il),… …