glove box

glove box
2. an enclosed compartment with openings to which long gloves are attached, enabling someone outside the compartment to reach inside and handle its contents without causing or incurring injury or contamination, as in a laboratory or hospital.
[1855-60 for earlier sense]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Glove Box — [ glʌv bɔks; engl. glove = Handschuh u. box = Schachtel, Kasten, Gehäuse], die; , es u. en; Syn.: Handschuhkasten: luftdicht verschließbarer, mit Schleusen u. Beobachtungsfenstern versehener Kasten, in dem man mittels eingeschweißter, ins Innere… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • glove box — glove′ box n. 1) cvb an enclosed compartment fitted with long gloves, used for handling contents without causing or incurring injury or contamination, as in a laboratory or hospital 2) cvb new glove compartment • Etymology: 1945–50 …   From formal English to slang

  • glove box — n. 1. a sealed enclosure containing a window for viewing and ports with attached gloves for handling toxic, radioactive, sterile, etc. materials inside the enclosure 2. GLOVE COMPARTMENT …   English World dictionary

  • glove box — I. noun : a sealed protectively lined compartment having ports to which are attached gloves for use in handling materials inside the compartment II. noun : glove compartment * * * 1. See glove compartment. 2. an enclosed compartment with openings …   Useful english dictionary

  • glove box — kamera su pirštinėmis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. glove box vok. Handschuh Box, f rus. скафандр с перчатками, m pranc. box à gants, m; scaphandre à gants, m …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Glove-Box — Handschuhkasten Ein Handschuhkasten (auch Glovebox, Isolator oder Handschuhbox) ist ein Behälter, der gegenüber dem umgebenden Arbeitsraum hermetisch und gasdicht abgeschlossen ist. Innerhalb des Handschuhkastens kann eine definierte Atmosphäre… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Glove Box — Handschuhkasten Ein Handschuhkasten (auch Glovebox, Isolator oder Handschuhbox) ist ein Behälter, der gegenüber dem umgebenden Arbeitsraum hermetisch und gasdicht abgeschlossen ist. Innerhalb des Handschuhkastens kann eine definierte Atmosphäre… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • glove box — boksas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Sandari kamera tyrimams atlikti inertinėje, sausoje, sterilioje aplinkoje ar su kenksmingomis medžiagomis. atitikmenys: angl. box; glove box rus. бокс; защитная камера …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • glove box — /ˈglʌv bɒks/ (say gluv boks) noun 1. Also, glove compartment. a small compartment in a motor vehicle, usually set into the dashboard, for the storage of small articles, as gloves, etc. 2. a similar compartment in a boat. 3. a metal box used by… …  

  • glove box — n. glove compartment, special compartment in a vehicle which is used for storing small items; sealed box protectively lined having a viewing window and openings to which a pair of gloves are attached allowing radioactive or toxic materials to be… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • glove box — noun a) A small compartment with a door on the dashboard of a car, usually on passenger side, to store (and sometime lock) items. b) A plastic box or similar enclosure containing a controlled environment, with rubber gloves fastened around holes… …   Wiktionary

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