
/ger"euh nook', geuh ren"euhk/, n.
a reddish-brown antelope, Litocranius walleri, of eastern Africa, having a long, slender neck.
[1890-95; < Somali gáránúug]

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also called  Waller's gazelle 
 the longest-necked member of the gazelle tribe (Antilopini, family Bovidae), a browsing antelope of the lowland arid thornbush of the Horn of Africa.

      The gerenuk's shoulder height is 80105 cm (3141 inches), and the animal weighs 2852 kg (62114 pounds). It has a two-tone coloration, buff with a reddish brown saddle. Its underparts, rump patch, tail, throat patch, chin, eye rings, and lips are all white, as are the insides of its very large ears. Only the males have horns, which are S-shaped, heavily annulated, and 3244 cm (1317 inches) long. The elongated limbs and neck (gerenuk meansgiraffe-neckedin Somali) and the pointed snout are adapted to selective nibbling of small leaves on thorny shrubs and treesincluding foliage too high for other antelopes, which the gerenuk reaches by standing on its hind legs. Modified lumbar vertebrae, powerful hind legs, and wedge-shaped hooves make the gerenuk the only antelope that can stand unsupported in this manner. Its diet thus enriched with moisture, the gerenuk is able to exploit resources inaccessible to water-dependent herbivores (herbivore). Indeed, its population density can actually increase with distance from permanent water. Degradation of grassland due to drought and overgrazing by domestic livestock has caused the thornbush to expand, which creates more habitat for the gerenuk and compensates to some extent for clearing, cultivation, and overhunting in other parts of its range. It prefers well-spaced bushes and trees and avoids dense bush with restricted passage.

      The gerenuk is less sociable than most other gazelles, a behaviour consistent with its semiclosed habitat preference and low population densityoverall average of 0.05 per square km (0.13 per square mile) but 0.5 per square km (1.3 per square mile) where common, as in the drier bush country of northern Kenya and Somalia. Sightings of single animals, not only males but also adult females, are typical. Herds of two to eight are considered normal at relatively high densities, while herds of more than a dozen are unusual.

      The gerenuk is a shy animal whose first line of defense when disturbed is to avoid detection by standing motionless under cover. Females have even been known to act like young in the hiding stage. When alarmed to the point of taking flight, a gerenuk trots more often than gallops away, and sometimes it even stots (that is, bounds with legs held stiff).

      Two or three females, with or without offspring, may be found together, but groupings are fluid, the only constant association being between mother and dependent offspring. Before becoming territorial as adults, males associate in twos and threes and, given the opportunity, will attach to adult females. Large territories of about 2 square km (0.7 square mile) are typical and may not have common boundaries with their nearest neighbours; males cordon off a smaller activity area with tarlike secretions from their preorbital glands that they deposit on twigs at frequent intervals. Female home ranges are of comparable extent. Though gerenuks have been known to shift their home range, territorial males rarely venture off their property.

      Though most births occur during the rainy season, the gerenuk breeds year-round, as mothers typically conceive again within weeks of giving birth. Gestation is about seven months, and the young remain hidden for several weeks.

Richard Estes

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Universalium. 2010.

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