generative-transformational grammar

generative-transformational grammar
/jen"euhr euh tiv trans'feuhr may"sheuh nl, -euh ray'tiv-/, Ling.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • generative-transformational grammar — /jen euhr euh tiv trans feuhr may sheuh nl, euh ray tiv /, Ling. See transformational generative grammar …   Useful english dictionary

  • Transformational grammar — In linguistics, a transformational grammar, or transformational generative grammar (TGG), is a generative grammar, especially of a natural language, that has been developed in a Chomskyan tradition. Additionally, transformational grammar is the… …   Wikipedia

  • transformational grammar — a system of grammatical analysis, esp. a form of generative grammar, that posits the existence of deep structure and surface structure, using a set of transformational rules to derive surface structure forms from deep structure; a grammar that… …   Universalium

  • transformational grammar — transforma′tional gram′mar n. ling. a system of grammatical analysis, esp. a form of generative grammar, that posits the existence of deep structure and surface structure and uses a set of transformational rules to derive surface structure forms… …   From formal English to slang

  • transformational grammar — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. generative grammar, New grammar, string grammar; see grammar …   English dictionary for students

  • Generative semantics — is (or perhaps was) a research program within linguistics, initiated by the work of various early students of Noam Chomsky: John R. Ross, Paul Postal and later James McCawley. George Lakoff was also instrumental in developing and advocating the… …   Wikipedia

  • Generative linguistics — is a school of thought within linguistics that makes use of the concept of a generative grammar. The term generative grammar is used in different ways by different people, and the term generative linguistics therefore has a range of different,… …   Wikipedia

  • transformational (generative) grammar — ☆ transformational (generative) grammar or transformational grammar n. Linguis. a system of linguistic analysis consisting of a set of rules that generate basic syntactic structures, in the form of simple independent clauses, and a set of… …   Universalium

  • transformational (generative) grammar — ☆ transformational (generative) grammar or transformational grammar n. Linguis. a system of linguistic analysis consisting of a set of rules that generate basic syntactic structures, in the form of simple independent clauses, and a set of… …   English World dictionary

  • transformational (generative) grammar — ☆ transformational (generative) grammar or transformational grammar n. Linguis. a system of linguistic analysis consisting of a set of rules that generate basic syntactic structures, in the form of simple independent clauses, and a set of… …   English World dictionary

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