
/geb/, n. Egyptian Religion.
the god of the earth and the father of Osiris and Isis.
Also, Keb.

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or Keb

In ancient Egyptian religion, the god of the earth and the physical support of the world.

Geb and his sister Nut belonged to the second generation of deities at Heliopolis. In Egyptian art he was often depicted as lying at the feet of the air god, Shu, with Nut, the sky goddess, arched above them. He was the third divine ruler among the gods, and the pharaohs claimed descent from him.

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▪ Egyptian god
 in ancient Egyptian religion, the god of the earth, the physical support of the world. Geb constituted, along with Nut, his sister, the second generation in the Ennead (group of nine gods) of Heliopolis. In Egyptian art Geb, as a portrayal of the earth, was often depicted lying by the feet of Shu, the air god, with Nut, the goddess of the sky, arched above them. Geb was usually portrayed as a man without any distinguishing characteristics, but at times he was represented with his head surmounted by a goose, the hieroglyph of his name. He was the third divine ruler among the gods; the human pharaohs claimed to be descended from him, and the royal throne was referred to as “the throne of Geb.”

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