
/gah yoh"mahrt/, n. Zoroastrianism.
the first Aryan and the sixth creation of Ahura Mazda. Also called Gaya Maretan.

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In later Zoroastrianism, the first man and the progenitor of humankind.

Created by Ahura Mazda, he was made incarnate after 3,000 years of life as a spirit. His existence at first immobilized Ahriman, the evil spirit who wanted to invade creation, but after 30 years of attacks Ahriman destroyed Gayomart. His body became the earth's minerals; gold was his seed, and from it sprang the human race.

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Avestan  Gayō Maretan (“Mortal Life”) 

      in later Zoroastrian creation literature, the first man, and the progenitor of mankind. Gayōmart's spirit, with that of the primeval ox, lived for 3,000 years during the period in which creation was only spiritual. His mere existence immobilized Ahriman, the evil spirit who wanted to invade creation. Then Ahura Mazdā created Gayōmart incarnatewhite and brilliant, shining like the sunand put in him and the primeval ox, alone of all created things, a seed whose origin was in fire.

      Ahura Mazdā gave Gayōmart the boon of sleep for respite from the onslaught of Ahriman. But after 30 years of attacks, Ahriman destroyed Gayōmart. His body became the Earth's metals and minerals. Gold was his seed, and from it sprung the human race.

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