Gayomart — En el zoroastrismo tardío, el primer hombre y progenitor de la humanidad. Creado por Ahura Mazda, se encarnó después de 3.000 años de vivir como un espíritu. Inicialmente su existencia inmovilizó a Ahriman, el espíritu maligno que quería invadir… … Enciclopedia Universal
Gayomart — Gạyomart [avestisch gaya martan »sterbliches Leben«], in der altiranischen Religion der prototypische Urmensch; zugleich der Erstling der erwarteten Auferstehung … Universal-Lexikon
Gayomart — Ga|yo|mart [ gajo...] der; <aus awest. gáya mārtan »sterbliches Leben«> der prototypische Urmensch, der zugleich der Erstling der erwarteten Auferstehung ist (in der altiran. Religion) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Gayomart — In the Zoroastrian Creation Legend the first man who was slain by Ahriman, but whose twin children, Mashya and Mashyane, born posthumously, were the ancestors of the human race … Who’s Who in non-classical mythology
Gayomart — /gaˈjoʊmat/ (say gah yohmaht) noun (in the writings of Zoroastrianism) the first man, whose seed, after being buried for 40 years, produced the first human couple …
Gayomart — /gah yoh mahrt/, n. Zoroastrianism. the first Aryan and the sixth creation of Ahura Mazda. Also called Gaya Maretan … Useful english dictionary
Keyumars — (PerB|کیومرث, older Persian Kayōmart ) was the first shāh of the world according to the poet Firdausī s Shāhnāma. The character was based upon a figure from a Zoroastrian creation myth. In the Avesta he is called Gayō Marətan and in later… … Wikipedia
ГАЙОМАРТ — Гайа Мартан (авест., «живой смертный»), в иранской мифологии родоначальник человечества, первый смертный, иногда первый праведник, к которому были обращены слова Ахурамазды; Г. заменил в «Младшей Авесте» другого иранского первопредка человечества … Энциклопедия мифологии
Yima — /yee mah/, n. Zoroastrianism. a legendary king who, having reigned under the protection of Ahura Mazda in perfect happiness, sinned and lost for the world the immortality it had enjoyed. * * * In ancient Iranian religion, the first man, son of… … Universalium
Zoroastrianism — /zawr oh as tree euh niz euhm, zohr /, n. an Iranian religion, founded c600 B.C. by Zoroaster, the principal beliefs of which are in the existence of a supreme deity, Ahura Mazda, and in a cosmic struggle between a spirit of good, Spenta Mainyu,… … Universalium