
/gam"een, -in, ga meen"/, n.
1. a neglected girl who is left to run about the streets.
2. a diminutive or very slender girl, esp. one who is pert, impudent, or playfully mischievous.
3. of or like a gamine: a gamine personality; clothes for the gamine figure.
[1895-1900; < F; fem. of GAMIN]

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  • Gamine — is a French word, the feminine form of gamin , originally meaning urchin, waif or playful, naughty child. The word was used in English from about the mid 19th century (for example, by Thackeray in 1840 in one of his Parisian sketches), but, in… …   Wikipedia

  • Gamine — est un groupe de pop rock français originaire de Bordeaux actif dans les années 1980. Il est connu pour le tube Voilà les Anges (1988), issu de l album du même nom. Cet album édité la même année sur le label Barclay a symbolisé l affirmation du… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • gamine — small, slim, pert young girl, 1899, from Fr. gamine, fem. of GAMIN (Cf. gamin) …   Etymology dictionary

  • gamine — ► NOUN ▪ a girl with a mischievous, boyish charm. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ characteristic of a gamine. ORIGIN French …   English terms dictionary

  • gamine — ● gamin, gamine nom (peut être radical gamm , signifiant « vaurien ») Enfant en général, gosse : Se conduire comme un gamin. Familier. Fils, fille : Elle est gentille, votre gamine. ● gamin, gamine (synonymes) nom (peut être radical gamm ,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • gamine — [[t]gæmi͟ːn[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If you describe a girl or a woman as gamine, you mean that she is attractive in a boyish way. She had a gamine charm which men found irresistibly attractive. Syn: boyish N SING Gamine is also a noun. Critics …   English dictionary

  • gamine — ga|mine [ˈgæmi:n] n literary [Date: 1800 1900; : French; Origin: gamin used for females] a small thin girl or woman who looks like a boy >gamine adj ▪ a gamine hairstyle …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • gamine — n.f. Fille : Ma gamine. Fillette : C est encore une gamine. / Plaque lumineuse sur le toit d un taxi, bidule …   Dictionnaire du Français argotique et populaire

  • gamine — noun (C) a small thin girl or woman who looks like a boy gamine adjective: a gamine hairstyle …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • gamine — UK [ˈɡæmiːn] / US [ˈɡæˌmɪn] noun [countable] Word forms gamine : singular gamine plural gamines a small, thin, attractive girl or woman who looks like a boy …   English dictionary

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