
/gal'ee ee"neuhs/, n. (Publius Licinius Egnatius)
died A.D. 268, emperor of Rome 253-268 (son of Valerian).

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Roman emperor
Latin in full  Publius Licinius Egnatius Gallienus 
born c. 218
died 268
 Roman emperor jointly with his father, Valerian, from 253 until 260, then sole emperor to 268.

      Gallienus ruled an empire that was disintegrating under pressures from foreign invaders. The Senate proclaimed him co-emperor because it saw that no one man could run the vast military operations needed to defend the empire. Valerian took charge of the eastern frontiers, while Gallienus fought a series of campaigns against the Goths on the Rhine and defeated the Alemanni at Milan in 258. He next crushed the successive revolts of Ingenuus and Regalianus in Illyricum. In June 260 Valerian was taken prisoner by the Persian king Shāpūr I and died in captivity. At a time when independent rulers were asserting themselves across the empire, Odaenathus, prince of a Roman colony in the East, adhered to Rome, defeated Shāpūr, and quelled the usurping emperor Quietus at Emesa (now Homs, Syria). Gallienus subsequently named Odaenathus governor of all the East. The Persians devastated the East just as the Germanic tribes had recently plundered the Rhine and Danube provinces. Gallienus himself was left in control only of Italy and the Balkans. Toward the end of his reign, the Goths renewed their attacks, and the emperor's defensive maneuvers were interrupted by the revolt of a usurper, Aureolus. While besieging the insurgent general in Milan, Gallienus was murdered by his senior officers; his cavalry commander, Claudius, succeeded him as Claudius II.

      Several developments during Gallienus' reign are of particular importance. There was a sharp reduction of civilian control over the military, because Gallienusbreaking with a tradition of some seven centuriestransferred the command of the Roman armies from the senators to professional equestrian officers. At the same time, he expanded the role of the cavalry in warfare by creating a mobile cavalry reserve, which was to become the nucleus of the field army of the later empire. Finally, in the relatively peaceful years 262267, Gallienus sponsored a vigorous intellectual renaissance at Rome. This revival is clearly discernible in the surviving art and the contemporary literature, notably that of Neoplatonist philosophers such as Plotinus.

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Universalium. 2010.

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