fused sentence.

fused sentence.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • fused sentence — noun a run on sentence …   Wiktionary

  • fused sentence. — See run on sentence …   Useful english dictionary

  • run-on sentence — noun an ungrammatical sentence in which two or more independent clauses are conjoined without a conjunction • Hypernyms: ↑sentence * * * noun 1. : a sentence formed with a comma fault 2. : a sentence that rambles on by the slipshod adding on of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • run-on sentence — noun an ungrammatical sentence in which two independent clauses that should be joined by either a semicolon or a conjunction or should be separate sentences are written as a single sentence, the clauses often being separated by a comma. Syn:… …   Wiktionary

  • run-on sentence — a written sequence of two or more main clauses that are not separated by a period or semicolon or joined by a conjunction. Also called fused sentence. Cf. comma fault. [1910 15] * * * …   Universalium

  • Run-on sentence — A run on sentence is a sentence in which two or more independent clauses (that is, complete sentences) are joined with no punctuation or conjunction. It is generally considered to be a grammatical error. Some grammarians also include a comma… …   Wikipedia

  • Cleft sentence — A cleft sentence is a complex sentence (one having a main clause and a dependent clause) that has a meaning that could be expressed by a simple sentence. Clefts typically put a particular constituent into focus. This focusing is often accompanied …   Wikipedia

  • fusedsentence — fused sentence n. A sentence in which two or more independent clauses are not properly joined by a semicolon or conjunction. Also called run on sentence. * * * …   Universalium

  • run-onsentence — run on sentence n. See fused sentence. * * * …   Universalium

  • Code-mixing — Sociolinguistics Areas of study Accent · Dialect Discourse analysis Language varieties …   Wikipedia

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