- fund-raising
/fund"ray'zing/ n.the act or process of raising funds, as for nonprofit organizations or for a political cause.Also, fundraising.[1935-40]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
fund-raising — /fund ray zing/ n. the act or process of raising funds, as for nonprofit organizations or for a political cause. Also, fundraising. [1935 40] * * * fundˈ raising noun The raising of money for an organization, project, etc (also adjective) • • •… … Useful english dictionary
Fund-Raising — Fund|rai|sing, Fund Rai|sing [ fandreɪzɪŋ ], das; [s], s [engl. fund raising, zu: fund raiser, ↑ Fundraiser]: das Beschaffen von Spendengeldern, bes. für wohltätige Zwecke … Universal-Lexikon
fund-raising — fund raiser ► NOUN 1) a person engaged in seeking financial support for an organization or cause. 2) an event held to generate such financial support. DERIVATIVES fund raising noun … English terms dictionary
fund-raising — ● fund raising nom masculin invariable Collecte de fonds au profit d associations humanitaires par envoi massif de publipostage et par publicité … Encyclopédie Universelle
fund raising — /ingl. ˌfʌndˈreɪzɪŋ/ loc. s. f. inv. raccolta fondi … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
fund-raising — also fundraising N UNCOUNT Fund raising is the activity of collecting money to support a charity or political campaign or organization. Encourage her to get involved in fund raising for charity … English dictionary
Fund raising — Collecte de fonds La collecte de fonds (ou fundraising) est l art de demander de l argent pour mener à bien un projet ou une organisation (association, parti politique), pour mener à bien son projet social. Une association, par exemple, organise… … Wikipédia en Français
fund-raising — noun Fund raising is used before these nouns: ↑appeal, ↑campaign, ↑concert, ↑dinner, ↑drive, ↑effort, ↑event, ↑gala, ↑lunch, ↑luncheon … Collocations dictionary
fund-raising — fund′ rais ing or fund′rais ing n. cvb the act or process of raising funds by soliciting contributions or pledges • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang
fund-raising campaign — noun a campaign to raise money for some cause • Syn: ↑fund raising drive, ↑fund raising effort • Hypernyms: ↑campaign, ↑cause, ↑crusade, ↑drive, ↑movement, ↑effort … Useful english dictionary