full-bore — [fool′bôr′] adv. to the greatest degree or extent; at full speed, with the greatest power or effort, etc. [a factory running full bore] adj. complete or thorough; all out [a full bore effort] … English World dictionary
full bore — adv AmE fast and with a lot of energy ▪ Kate took a huge slice and was going at it full bore … Dictionary of contemporary English
full bore — If something is full bore, it involves the maximum effort or is complete and thorough … The small dictionary of idiomes
full bore — adverb with as much speed or effort as possible … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
full-bore — full′ bore′ adj. inf moving or operating at the greatest speed or with maximum power • Etymology: 1940–45 … From formal English to slang
full-bore — ˈ ̷ ̷ ˈ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: full bore, adverb (herein) 1. : full blown 2 a full bore crisis 2. : made with maximum effort a full bore attempt to succeed * * * … Useful english dictionary
full-bore — 1. adjective a) Thoroughgoing; complete; total. The problem had grown into a full bore crisis. b) Denoting a firearm of relatively large caliber. He is full bore environmental activist. Syn … Wiktionary
full-bore — adjective Date: 1974 1. full blown 2 < a full bore crisis > 2. made with maximum effort < a full bore attempt to succeed > … New Collegiate Dictionary
full bore — /fʊl ˈbɔ/ (say fool baw) noun 1. the maximum production (of oil or gas from a drill hole). 2. the full bore, Colloquial the maximum: give it the full bore. –adverb 3. Colloquial with maximum effort; with the greatest possible speed or… …
full bore — adverb at full speed or maximum capacity. adjective 1》 denoting firearms of relatively large calibre. 2》 complete; thoroughgoing: a full bore leftist … English new terms dictionary
full bore — adverb 1. : at maximum engine capacity : at full throttle 2. : with maximum effort or speed runners sprinting full bore … Useful english dictionary