
/fyooh"keuhs/, n., pl. fuci /-suy/, fucuses.
any olive-brown seaweed or alga of the genus Fucus, having branching fronds and often air bladders.
[1590-1600; < L < Gk phykos orchil, red color, rock lichen, rouge]

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algae genus
also called  rockweed 
 genus of brown algae, common on rocky seacoasts and in salt marshes of northern temperate regions. Adaptations to its environment include bladderlike floats (pneumatocysts), disk-shaped holdfasts for clinging to rocks, and mucilage-covered blades that resist desiccation and temperature changes. The plant is between about 2 and 50 cm (0.8 to 20 inches) in length; growth of the thallus is localized at the tips of forked shoots. The male and female reproductive organs may occur on the same or separate organisms; some species produce eggs and sperm all year long. Fucus is a perennial alga with a lifespan of up to four years. Fucus species, along with kelp (q.v.), are an important source of alginatescolloidal extracts with many industrial uses similar to those of agar.

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