frozen fog.
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frozen fog. — See ice fog … Useful english dictionary
Fog — For other uses, see Fog (disambiguation). Part of the Nature series on Weather Calendar seasons Spring … Wikipedia
fog — fog1 fogless, adj. /fog, fawg/, n., v., fogged, fogging. n. 1. a cloudlike mass or layer of minute water droplets or ice crystals near the surface of the earth, appreciably reducing visibility. Cf. ice fog, mist, smog. 2. any darkened state of… … Universalium
frozen smoke — (FROH.zuhn smohk) n. An extremely lightweight, porous substance made from a silica gel in which the liquid has been replaced by air; an aerogel. Example Citation: Like glass, it is made from silicon dioxide and sand. Unlike glass, it is 99.8% air … New words
ice fog — noun a dense winter fog containing ice particles • Syn: ↑pogonip • Hypernyms: ↑fog * * * noun : a fog composed of ice particles * * * (esp. in the far north) a fog composed of minute ice crystals that form in the air in extremely cold… … Useful english dictionary
ice fog — (esp. in the far north) a fog composed of minute ice crystals that form in the air in extremely cold temperatures. Also called frozen fog. [1855 60] * * * … Universalium
Around the World with Willy Fog — Infobox Television show name = Around the World with Willy Fog caption = format = Animation creator = Jules Verne BRB Internacional Nippon Animation Claudio Biern Boyd developer = Luis Ballester Fumio Kurokawa starring = narrated = opentheme = La … Wikipedia
Utility fog — is a term suggested by Dr. John Storrs Hall to describe a hypothetical collection of tiny robots together performing a certain function. The idea of nanobotic swarms was detailed as early as in 1964 by Stanislaw Lem in the novel The Invincible ,… … Wikipedia
Pogonip — is a type of fog consisting of ice crystals suspended in the air. The name pogonip is an English adaptation of the Shoshone word meaning cloud ( payinappih ) [MerriamWebster] . Pogonip only forms under the right conditions, the humidity has to be … Wikipedia
rime — rime1 rimeless, adj. /ruym/, n., v., rimed, riming. n. 1. Also called rime ice. an opaque coating of tiny, white, granular ice particles, caused by the rapid freezing of supercooled water droplets on impact with an object. Cf. frost (def. 2),… … Universalium