
/frawst"buyt', frost"-/, n., v., frostbit, frostbitten, frostbiting.
1. injury to any part of the body after excessive exposure to extreme cold, sometimes progressing from initial redness and tingling to gangrene.
2. to injure by frost or extreme cold.
[1605-15; FROST + BITE]

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Freezing of living tissue, when it loses enough heat in below-freezing weather for ice to form.

High winds, wet skin, tight clothes, and alcohol use increase the risk of frostbite. Cell damage, tissue dehydration, and oxygen depletion caused by freezing and thawing can lead to blood-cell disruption, clotting in capillaries, and gangrene. The toes, fingers, ears, and nose are usually affected first, becoming cold, hard, white, or bloodless. The lack of pain is dangerous. Core temperature should be brought to near normal before rapid thawing in warm (under 115 °F [46 °C]) water. Toxoid booster injections are recommended. The outlook is best when freezing is short-term, thawing is by rapid rewarming, and large blisters extending to the end of the part develop early. Tissue that is refrozen after thawing must almost always be amputated. Affected parts become more susceptible to recurrence. Frostbite is best prevented by wearing dry, layered, loose clothing and remaining alert. See also hypothermia.

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      a freezing of living tissue; (tissue) frostbite occurs whenever heat loss from a tissue is sufficient to permit ice formation. The freezing-thawing process causes mechanical damage to cells (from ice), tissue dehydration, and local oxygen depletion. If not relieved, these conditions lead to disruption of the blood corpuscles, thrombosis (clotting) within the small blood vessels, and tissue gangrene.

Conditions conducive to frostbite.
      Frostbite can occur whenever the ambient temperature falls below 0° C (32° F). Without adequate food, clothing, or shelter, heat is lost successively from the interior of the body (body heat) to the skin, to the layer of still, insulating air surrounding the skin, and finally to the ambient cold air. High-velocity wind blowing away the insulating air cover, as well as the wetting of the skin, hastens the outward transfer of heat. Thus ice fishermen, hunters, campers, mountaineers, and others exposed to wind and low temperatures may become victims of frostbite.

      All too impressive is the injury and death toll from cold during time of war. Armies that suffered as much from the cold as from the enemy include Xenophon's Greeks in Armenia (400 BC), the Swedish troops of Charles XII in Ukraine (1708), and the army of George Washington at Valley Forge in America (177778). Most classic is the saga of the Napoleonic forces fleeing Russia (181213). Pursued by a relentless enemy in the dead of winter, driven onward without food, water, rest, adequate clothing or footwear, many thousands of troops suffered frostbite or froze to death.

      Three types of individual physical and health factors can contribute to frostbite. They are (1) conditions encouraging heat loss, (2) mechanical or physical impedance of circulation to the extremities, and (3) problems that decrease the ability of a person to cope with the cold.

      Conditions encouraging heat loss are (1) the excessive intake of alcohol, causing capillary dilation, flushing, and dissipation of heat, (2) wet clothing, permitting outward heat conduction, (3) exposed flesh, (4) fever, with radiation of heat, (5) injury, with hemorrhage, anoxia, and shock, causing general body cooling, and (6) overexercise, as in forced survival marches, draining unreplaced calories and heat.

      Factors that mechanically impede circulation to the extremities and thus favour cooling and subsequent freezing include (1) tight boots, gloves, or clothing, (2) blood vessel diseases or injuries that diminish the flow of blood to the extremities, causing local tissue oxygen depletion, and (3) constriction of small blood vessels as a result of drug action.

      Conditions that decrease the ability of a person to avoid cold insult include (1) emaciation or fatigue, (2) dehydration, a major problem in the cold, with subsequent blood acidity, mental derangement, coma, and death, (3) neuromuscular disease, or previous freezing or nonfreezing cold injury, with resultant sensory loss, predisposing to further cold injury, and (4) psychosis from any cause, allowing behaviour contributory to freezing, with mental disorganization, loss of thermoregulation, and resultant fall of body temperature.

Recognition and treatment.
      Frostbite usually affects the toes, fingers, ears, and the tip of the nose first. Before thawing, the affected part is hard, cold, white, or bloodless. The skin is rigid and the depth of freezing difficult to determine. Frostbite is rendered more dangerous by the fact that there is no sensation of pain, and the victim may not even know that he has been frostbitten.

      In dealing with frostbite, body temperature is usually restored to as near normal as possible before thawing. Under no circumstances should attempts be made to warm the affected area by rubbing or chafing it, since this can damage the cell structure of the frozen tissues. The old theory that a frostbitten area should be rubbed with snow or ice is similarly false and potentially harmful. Rapid thawing of the hands or feet in warm water baths is a presently favoured method of therapy. Thawing time is determined by the temperature of the bath and the depth of the freezing; thawing is complete when the tip of the extremity flushes pink or red. (If the affected area remains white after thawing, this means that the cold has so affected local blood vessels that normal circulation has not yet resumed.) After rapid thawing small blisters appear rapidly, spontaneously rupturing in 4 to 10 days. A castlike scab, often black, forms after the blisters rupture. Normal tissue may have already formed below. The thawed part is usually protected to avoid both refreezing and excessive heat. Neither bandages nor dressings are used, and the area is cleansed with benign soaps. Constant digital exercises are performed to preserve joint motion. Early surgical removal of unhealthy tissue (debridement) and amputation is avoided. Whirlpool action will debride devitalized tissues.

      Antibiotics (antibiotic) are used if necessary; toxoid booster injections are a recommended precaution. After thawing, further treatment is aimed at the prevention of infection and preservation of function.

      The outlook is best when the frozen state is of short duration, when the thawing is by rapid rewarming, and when blisters develop early, pink and large, and extend to the tips of the hands or toes.

      The outlook is uncertain when thawing is spontaneous, as at room temperature, when the frozen state is of long duration, and when the freezing is superimposed on top of a fracture or dislocation.

      The outlook is poor when thawing is delayed, as in ice and snow, when thawing is by excessive heat (i.e., greater than 46° C [115° F]), when the blisters are dark or hemorrhagic and do not extend to the distal tips, when a nonfreezing cold injury is followed by freezing, and when freezing, then thawing by any means, is followed by refreezing. The last two conditions are disastrous and almost always require amputation of the affected part.

      Major complications after freezing, and following treatment, may be infection and tissue death, requiring amputation. Less tragic aftereffects are increased sweating, sensory loss, diminished subcutaneous fat pad of the toes and fingers, persistent deep pain, limitation of joint motion, and nail-bed changes. Other permanent effects include fixed scars, wasting of the small muscle, joint deformity, arthritic changes in bone, and neurovascular involvement in the extremities resulting in the inability to protect against lowered temperatures, coupled with increased sensitivity to cold.

Frostbite prevention.
      To prevent frostbite, clothing in cold weather should be dry, layered, and with warm, loose hand wear and footwear. Tight, restricting bands should not be worn. Exposed flesh should be protected from the wind: face masks, hoods, and earmuffs are helpful. In cold, an individual must remain alert, avoiding the excessive use of alcohol and drugs inhibiting mental or physical capability.

      Should freezing follow an accident, major efforts must be made to avoid further heat loss in order to prevent death; and, in any situation in which freezing has occurred, thawing should be prevented if refreezing may take place.

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