- front burner
—front-burner, adj.Informal. a condition or position of top priority: Put the project on the front burner and finish it as soon as possible. Cf. back burner.[1965-70; by analogy with BACK BURNER]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
front burner — noun on the front burner considered very important and urgent … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
front burner — n. a state of high priority or importance, leading consideration, etc.: usually in the phrase on the front burner, in or into such a state … English World dictionary
front burner — noun top priority the work was moved to the front burner in order to meet deadlines • Ant: ↑back burner • Hypernyms: ↑precedence, ↑precedency, ↑priority * * * noun on the front burn … Useful english dictionary
front burner — N SING: usu on the N If an issue is on the front burner, it receives a lot of attention because it is considered to be more urgent or important than other issues. ...but it helps to put an important issue back on the front burner... We have an… … English dictionary
front burner — noun Date: 1973 the condition of being in active consideration or development ; a position of priority usually used in the phrase on the front burner; compare back burner • front burner adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
front-burner — adjective see front burner … New Collegiate Dictionary
front burner — front′ burn′er n. cvb inf a condition or position of top priority • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang
on the front burner — front burner, on the front burner, in a primary place; taking precedence or priority over others: »The most influential man on the labor scene…for obvious reasons normally keeps the jobs picture on the front burner (Washington Post). * * * on the … Useful english dictionary
on the front burner — getting or needing immediate attention. We want to make sure that aid for Africa is on the front burner. Retirement planning hasn t exactly been on Kessler s front burner. Usage notes: sometimes used with put: The president has finally put this… … New idioms dictionary
on the front burner — ► considered very important and to be dealt with or given attention before other things: keep/put sth on the front burner »We need to put this project on the front burner and finish it as soon as possible. Main Entry: ↑front … Financial and business terms