
frontally, adv.
/frun"tl/, adj.
1. of, in, or at the front: a frontal view; frontal attack.
2. Anat.
a. of, pertaining to, or situated near the forehead or the frontal bone.
b. coronal (def. 4c).
3. Meteorol. of or pertaining to the division between dissimilar air masses: frontal zone; frontal surface.
4. Fine Arts.
a. exhibiting frontality.
b. parallel to the surface in the pictorial arts or seen from the front view in sculpture: the frontal plane.
5. Eccles. a movable cover or hanging for the front of an altar.
6. frontlet (def. 1).
7. Anat. any of several parts in the frontal region, esp. the frontal bone.
[1275-1325; < LL frontalis (NL, in anatomy sense); r. ME frountel < OF frontel. See FRONT, -AL1]

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