- frenate
/free"nayt/, adj.having a frenum or frenulum.[ < NL frenatus, special use of L frenatus furnished with a bridle. See FRENUM, -ATE1]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
frenate — I. ˈfrēˌnāt adjective Etymology: New Latin frenatus, from Latin, bridled, past participle of frenare to bridle, from frenum bridle more at frenum : having a frenum or frenulum II. adjective Etymology: New Latin … Useful english dictionary
frenate — fre·nate … English syllables
frenate — a. having a fraenum … Dictionary of difficult words
frenate wing coupling — (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) Lepidopterous wing coupling with a well developed frenulum that engages with a catch or retinaculum on the underside of the fore wing, securing the wings together … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
jugo-frenate wing coupling — (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) Lepidoptera, wing coupling where the jugum is folded under the fore wings and holds the frenular bristles … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Filippo Finazzi — (* 7. Juli 1705 in Gorlago; † 22. April 1776 in Bargfeld Rögen) war ein italienischer Kastratensänger, Komponist und Kapellmeister. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Musikalische Laufbahn 2.1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Finazzi — Filippo Finazzi (* 7. Juli 1705 in Gorlago; † 22. April 1776 in Bargfeld Rögen) war ein italienischer Kastratensänger, Komponist und Kapellmeister. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Musikalische Laufbahn 2.1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
San Casimiro — San Casimiro, Re di Polonia Saltar a navegación, búsqueda San Casimiro, Re di Polonia, oratorio de Alessandro Scarlatti, escrito para solistas (SSSAT(B) o (SSATT(B) y orquesta, y estrenado en Florencia en la Compagnia della Purificazione di Maria … Wikipedia Español
frenata — pl.f. frenate … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
frenato — pl.m. frenati sing.f. frenata pl.f. frenate … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari