
/foks"tayl'/, n.
1. the tail of a fox.
2. any of various grasses having soft, brushlike spikes of flowers.
[1375-1425; late ME; see FOX, TAIL1]

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 any of the weedy grasses in the genera Alopecurus and Setaria of the family Poaceae. There are about 25 species of Alopecurus, distributed throughout the North Temperate Zone. Most species are perennial weeds, with dense, cylindrical, often brushlike, flower clusters that resemble foxes' tails. Meadow foxtail (A. pratensis), which is native to Eurasia, is used as a forage grass in northern North America; it stands 30 to 80 centimetres (about 12 to 30 inches) high and has a light-green flower cluster 7 cm long.

      The genus Setaria (formerly called bristle grass) includes nearly 125 species of annual and perennial grasses, mostly of tropical Africa but found in warm areas of all the continents. The plants are taller than those of Alopecurus, with bristly flower clusters and flat, thin leaf blades. More than 40 species are found in North America. A few are forage grasses, as plains foxtail (S. macrostachya). Foxtail millet (S. italica; see millet) is the only economically valuable species. Yellow foxtail (S. lutescens or S. glauca) and green foxtail (S. viridis), named for the colour of their bristles, are common in cornfields and disturbed areas. Bristly foxtail (S. verticillata), whose barbed bristles stick to animals and clothing, is also found in those places; the flower clusters from different plants may stick together, forming dense tangles. The name giant foxtail is applied to two weedy annuals: S. faberi and S. magna.

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  • Foxtail — Fox tail , n. 1. The tail or brush of a fox. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) The name of several kinds of grass having a soft dense head of flowers, mostly the species of {Alopecurus} and {Setaria}. [1913 Webster] 3. (Metal.) The last cinders obtained… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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