Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale
/law"deuhr dayl'/
a city in SE Florida: seashore resort. 153,256.

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City (pop., 2000: 152,397), southeastern Florida, U.S. It is located on the Atlantic Ocean, 25 mi (40 km) north of Miami.

A fort built there in 1838 gave its name to the town, which was established in 1895 and later developed as a shipping and commercial centre and residential resort. The Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway is connected to the city's deepwater port, Port Everglades. The city is interlaced with recreational waterways and has extensive boating facilities, which have given rise to a marine industry.

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 city, seat (1915) of Broward county, southeastern Florida, U.S. It lies along the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the New River, about 25 miles (40 km) north of Miami.

      The area was originally inhabited by Tequesta Indians, although they were gone when the first recorded settlers arrived about 1788. A fort, built there in 1838 during the Seminole Wars and named for its commander, Major William Lauderdale, gave its name to the town, which was not permanently settled until about 1893. The city was laid out in 1895, and the following year the Florida East Coast Railway came through. In 1935 the city began holding an annual National Collegiate Aquatic Forum, designed to attract college students on school vacations; this was the beginning of Fort Lauderdale's popularity as a destination for spring breaks. The city developed as a shipping and commercial centre and residential resort.

      The Intracoastal Waterway is connected to Fort Lauderdale's Bahia Mar Yacht Basin and the deepwater port, Port Everglades, which is the deepest harbour in Florida. Port Everglades is a port of entry and ranks with the ports at Jacksonville and Tampa in volume of cargo handled. Fort Lauderdale itself is interlaced with recreational waterways and has extensive boating facilities, which have given rise to a busy marine industry. Other major factors in the city's economy include tourism, manufacturing (including radios), and high-technology industries. The city's extensive beaches are the focus of local tourism.

      The city's educational institutions include Broward Community College (1959), Nova Southeastern University (1964), and Fort Lauderdale College (1940; now part of Florida Metropolitan University). Attractions in the city and nearby communities include museums of art, science, and archaeology; Flamingo Gardens, a botanical garden and aviary; the International Swimming Hall of Fame; Bonnet House (c. 1920), a historical home with art galleries; and Hugh Taylor Birch State Recreation Area. Inc. 1911. Pop. (1990) city, 149,377; Fort Lauderdale PMSA, 1,255,488; Miami–Fort Lauderdale CMSA, 3,192,582; (2000) city, 152,397; Fort Lauderdale PMSA, 1,623,018; Miami–Fort Lauderdale CMSA, 3,876,380.

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Universalium. 2010.

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