
/fawr moh"seuhs/, n.
A.D. c816-896, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 891-896.

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born c. 816, Rome?
died April 4, 896, Rome

      pope from 891 to 896, whose posthumous trial is one of the most bizarre incidents in papal history.

      In 864 he was made cardinal bishop of Porto, Italy, by Pope St. Nicholas I, who sent him to promote the conversion of Bulgaria. He was assigned missions to France by Pope Adrian II (869) and by Pope John VIII (875) but incurred the latter's mistrust in 876, fled from Rome, and was excommunicated. Pardoned in 878 in return for a promise to remain in exile, he returned to Rome in the 880s and was absolved under Pope Marinus I, who restored him to his see of Porto in 883. During the pontificates of popes Marinus, St. Adrian III, and Stephen V (Stephen V (or VI)) (VI), Formosus' influence grew, and he was elected Stephen's successor in October 891. Attempting to liberate Rome from the Spoletan Holy Roman coemperors Guy and his son Lambert, Formosus requested King Arnulf of the East Franks to invade Italy. In Rome in 896 Formosus crowned Arnulf emperor, but while preparing to attack Spoleto, Arnulf was seized with paralysis and was forced to return to Germany. Formosus died shortly thereafter, leaving the discord unresolved.

      At a Roman synod (popularly called theCadaver Synod”) conducted by Pope Stephen VI (Stephen VI (or VII)) (VII), Formosus' political enemies had his corpse exhumed, propped up on a throne, and subjected to a mock trialduring which a deacon answered for the corpse. His election was declared invalid, his acts were quashed, and his fingers of consecration were cut off. Formosus' corpse was then cast into a grave, but later thrown into the Tiber River. These acts divided Rome politically, provoking Stephen's imprisonment and his death by strangulation. Pope Theodore II reinstated Formosus' ordinations and solemnly buried his body; Pope John IX condemned Stephen's synod and burned its acts. Formosus' letters were collected in J.-P. Migne (ed.), Patrologia Latina, vol. 129.

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