
/fawr"meuhnt/, n.
1. Music. the range and number of partials present in a tone of a specific instrument, representing its timbre.
2. Acoustic Phonet. one of the regions of concentration of energy, prominent on a sound spectrogram, that collectively constitute the frequency spectrum of a speech sound. The relative positioning of the first and second formants, whether periodic or aperiodic, as of the o of hope at approximately 500 and 900 cycles per second, is usually sufficient to distinguish a sound from all others.
[1900-05; < L formant- (s. of formans), prp. of formare to FORM; see -ANT]

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  • formant — [ fɔrmɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1951 formans; p. prés. du lat. formare 1 ♦ Ling. Élément (morphème lexical) de formation d un mot complexe. 2 ♦ Acoust., mus. Dans un spectrogramme, Fréquence renforcée par un résonateur, qui détermine le timbre caractéristique …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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