
flosser, n.
/flaws, flos/, n.
1. the cottony fiber yielded by the silk-cotton tree.
2. silk filaments with little or no twist, used in weaving as brocade or in embroidery.
3. any silky, filamentous matter, as the silk of corn.
4. See dental floss.
5. to use dental floss on the teeth.
6. to clean (the teeth) with dental floss. Also called floss silk (for defs. 1-3).
[1750-60; prob. < F floche, as in soie floche floss silk, OF flosche down, velvet pile (of uncert. orig.)]

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  • floss — ► NOUN 1) the rough silk enveloping a silkworm s cocoon. 2) untwisted silk fibres used in embroidery. 3) (also dental floss) a soft thread used to clean between the teeth. ► VERB ▪ clean between (one s teeth) with dental floss. ORIGIN Old French… …   English terms dictionary

  • Floss — may refer to: * Embroidery thread, machine or hand spun yarn for embroidery * Dental floss, used to clean teethComputing* Free and open source software, Free/Libre/Open Source Software …   Wikipedia

  • floss — (n.) rough silk, 1759, perhaps from Fr. floche tuft of wool (16c.), from O.Fr. floc tuft, lock, from L. floccus tuft of wool. Or from an unrecorded O.E. or O.N. word from the root found in Du. flos plush (17c.). Cf. the surname Flossmonger,… …   Etymology dictionary

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