
/flek"seuh beuhl/, adj.
1. capable of being bent, usually without breaking; easily bent: a flexible ruler.
2. susceptible of modification or adaptation; adaptable: a flexible schedule.
3. willing or disposed to yield; pliable: a flexible personality.
4. a flexible substance or material, as rubber or leather.
[1375-1425; late ME < L flexibilis pliant, easily bent. See FLEX1, -IBLE]
Syn. 1. pliable, elastic, supple. FLEXIBLE, LIMBER, PLIANT refer to that which bends easily. FLEXIBLE refers to that which is capable of being bent and adds sometimes the idea of compressibility or expansibility: a flexible piece of rubber hose. LIMBER is esp. applied to the body to refer to ease of movement; it resembles FLEXIBLE except that there is an idea of even greater ease in bending: a limber dancer. PLIANT stresses an inherent quality or tendency to bend that does not require force or pressure from the outside; it may mean merely adaptable or may have a derogatory sense: a pliant character. 2. tractable, compliant.
Ant. 1. stiff. 2. rigid.

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